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  1. oats

    New Plants turning yellow

    Thanks I do think the trickiest piece is to manage nutes and water everything else is just waiting. Here is a pic of my first grow with some bag seed.
  2. oats

    New Plants turning yellow

    Just so you know I started my first grow in the MG Mammath looks like it worked some nutes seemed to have perked them up a bit
  3. oats

    New Plants turning yellow

    I dont actually have a schedule I try and look at the surface and pick up the cup to test the weight, I have never fed these plants.
  4. oats

    New Plants turning yellow

    Let me clarify so you don't get upset. What I meant was that all of these plants were put up at the same time in the same soil and watered at the same time, I find it odd that some are turning yellow and not growing and some seem to be thriving. Which is why I made note that I seperated them...
  5. oats

    New Plants turning yellow

    Whats really odd is all the plants have the same soil and water and you notice the difference between the plants on the right and the plants on the left.
  6. oats

    New Plants turning yellow

    Using the 4 150 compact fluorecents
  7. oats

    New Plants turning yellow

    What soil are you using? Using Fox Farms did you add anything to it? Nothing added What lights are you using?
  8. oats

    New Plants turning yellow

    I have about four types of plants growing and its really odd some of them have grown well and the others seem to be very stunted and turning yellow. I have moved the biggest plants in one container and the weakest ones in the other. Any help would be appreciated. Strains Jock Horror Northern...
  9. oats

    The 30 minute 6 plant aero build

    I found the flushing process to be a bit tough but you could buy a Drain for the unit and then just open the drain and dump all of the fluid shut it for a refill.
  10. oats

    If you look closely at my avatar you can see the name Mother Oats, its a head comic from the...

    If you look closely at my avatar you can see the name Mother Oats, its a head comic from the early 70's. Really cool picture on the cover.
  11. oats

    The 30 minute 6 plant aero build

    I put mine half way down the tub but try not to drown the roots either you can turn the misters so the aren't directly pointed at the net pots. Also I run a timer on mine and have it cycle off for 15 minutes every 4 hours, don't really thinks its necessary but it doesn't hurt.
  12. oats

    The 30 minute 6 plant aero build

    Yes definetly start with very low nutes my plants did well until the second water change when I tried to lower my PH with my nutes it almost killed all three plants we'll see how it goes
  13. oats

    The 30 minute 6 plant aero build

    Here is what the new top looks like
  14. oats

    The 30 minute 6 plant aero build

    jerkin247 Here are some of my pics I am going to add new ones soon
  15. oats

    The 30 minute 6 plant aero build

    I actually built a wooden insert and painted it with liquid plastic worked well and was more solid than the plastic lid which kept sucking down my net pots. Also I am building a variaton on this with Home Depot homer buckets the lids seem much tougher. Another note I almost killed my plants...
  16. oats

    The 30 minute 6 plant aero build

    Not yet but I guess its time I started one Currently running Bubblicious, White Widow, Ice
  17. oats

    The 30 minute 6 plant aero build

    You don't what I do is run the pump 24x7 with a fifteen minute off time every four hours gives the roots a chance to breathe a bit. I am blown away by how fast these things are growing.
  18. oats

    The 30 minute 6 plant aero build

    Heres the site
  19. oats

    The 30 minute 6 plant aero build

    I went with Nirvana seeds they were quick and tracked your delivery with email notification, Ive never used feminized seeds. My first grow was bubblicious and two out of four were males not to bad. I am now growing White widow in the tub and some ICE. the Bubblicious was only about 30 inches...
  20. oats

    The 30 minute 6 plant aero build

    Just a quick note about your seeds the real worry is planting only three seeds and they all turn out to be males or hermes