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  1. V

    Caregiver Growing DWC for Patient and need help/advice. 2 plants dying.

    First of all Merry Christmas to all! Secondly, I agree it was from the water being too far away from the hydroton even with top watering. I def overwatered too much with powerful nutes at the beginning so they drooped over completely. I still haven't seen any roots come out the sides of the...
  2. V

    Caregiver Growing DWC for Patient and need help/advice. 2 plants dying.

    The water in the buckets are half up so thats one thing I need to do is fill it at bottom of net pots again. Ironically, I did that last night and thought thats why it hurt the plants but in my worrying of everything I lowered the water to half. maybe the temperature of the water is too cold...
  3. V

    Caregiver Growing DWC for Patient and need help/advice. 2 plants dying.

    I agree but Im still having a little difficulty figuring out why 2 of the plants are so droopy. Im thinking from either 3 things. 1. Overwatered. 2.Too many nutrients in the water used for watering. 3. not enough oxygen to the roots in the 5 gallon buckets. Any advice on how to get more...
  4. V

    Caregiver Growing DWC for Patient and need help/advice. 2 plants dying.

    Well, I grew years ago DWC and did great. I also only see brown roots out the side of the rockwool, but through the bottom the 2 plants dying have roots that are healthy and white. Thx for the advice, but I already knew brown roots mean dead. Are you recommending me to just transfer all my...
  5. V

    Caregiver Growing DWC for Patient and need help/advice. 2 plants dying.

    Hey all, I'm Validus and new to the site. I use to grow years ago, but now I'm back for reasons of medical use and been having problems with seedlings and their growth with DWC. I'm using 5 gallon Black buckets and 6 inch net pots for each of the 6 plants. I plan on scrogging once they get...