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  1. papablunt

    cops busted for weed
  2. papablunt

    Weeds Promo...

    i imagined they had to courier those..... TV6 / Weeds: The Weeds Bouquet Delivery | Ads of the World: Creative Advertising Archive & Community
  3. papablunt

    Best site, save for RIU

    HIGH: The true tale of American Marijuana (Official Website)
  4. papablunt

    The Union: The business behind getting high.

    HIGH: The true tale of American Marijuana (Official Website)
  5. papablunt

    The Union: The business behind getting high.

    The Union: The business behind getting high.
  6. papablunt

    Compare Obama and McCain on Marijuana

    hilarious....but this ones scary....Compare Obama & McCain Computer Literacy
  7. papablunt

    THC Ministry: The Hawaii Cannabis Ministry

    Aloha and welcome - e komo mai
  8. papablunt

    Compare Obama and McCain on Marijuana

    Obama & McCain Marijuana Law Comparison
  9. papablunt

    How Much Dough For Your Medical Dro?

    follow the yellow brick road...aka ventura blvd...there are like thirty dispensaries within 5 sq miles in the san fernando valley. I found these shops to value the added care I put into my small grows the most. There are a few in particular, that really care.
  10. papablunt

    How Much Dough For Your Medical Dro?

    i believe it falls under the indy contractor clause in which you claim your own earnings
  11. papablunt

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    WoW! a cannabis topiary moose progressive...are topiary moose heads the new scrog?
  12. papablunt

    How Much Dough For Your Medical Dro?

    in my (limited) experience, I feel that in LA the sick people are also being burned, but not by the growers....cause no matter how great of deal you give the dispensaries....they'll turn it around for their usual and pocket the savings....always
  13. papablunt

    How Much Dough For Your Medical Dro?

    thanks....I had a sticker on my mountain bike for 15 years that said visualize whirled peas...awesome!
  14. papablunt

    Oranges that get you high

    very likely science fiction.....never said it was the next best thing Gullible with an I is not believing because a nonexpert with bad spelling and no substance tells you to It is possible to graft weed and hops together. Liberty corn, seedless grapes, boneless chicken-maybe not, a mouse with...
  15. papablunt

    why use chicken wire SOG

    about how long to dp you know its been successfully revegged?
  16. papablunt

    Oranges that get you high

    sorry, it timed out in the middle of posting....up now though
  17. papablunt

    Oranges that get you high

    could you link and article that proves it is a hoax
  18. papablunt

    Oranges that get you high

    I stumbled upon this extremely tantalizing article....which is linked below....and below that is the actual process from the article....but the article is way more amusing. Genetically engineered food gives me the creeps, but I may have to make an exception now. Gives new meaning to orange...
  19. papablunt

    How Much Dough For Your Medical Dro?

    so after I took care of my own head out of my grow, I accepted a donation of 320 per oz of ak47 for six surplus ounces from a dispensary It's always been about relief for myself and compassion for others... But I still wonder Anyone care to share rates per strains from any medicinal prop215...
  20. papablunt

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    or gagging on all those hairs