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  1. G

    Question on perpetual dwc scrog

    make individual screens on the bucket lids. then just transfer the lids into the flower space. It seems like alot of work, but you can cut it in half by using a larger plastic tote and 2 plants in each. I hope you understand what I mean by this.. I can assure you that it works great. word to...
  2. G

    Help! Budrot?

    Bump to ya.. I would like to know the answer to this one too...
  3. G

    my hermy

    Do you thbink that flowering too early cuases hermies???? I have not had that experience personally... I have had one hermie EVER. It was from cutting off buds and stressing the plant... I say let the plant finish....and don't fuck with it until then... But, I am not the authority...
  4. G

    Seed to Aero

    :clap:I love this answer. But, also.. rockwool is the easiest for me to transplant into my aero system.. I have a 16 site homemade system. Once my clones develop roots I put them directly into my net pots (3 inch) I try to drop the roots in through the holes of the pot, then I surround the cube...
  5. G

    $20 for a half oz! pics!

    !!!!! I will paypal u $10, u send me 1/8!!!!! HA
  6. G

    Another "is it ready" thread...

    With buds like that .. i can hardly give advice... Harvest and cure are the harest thing for me/... but, the longer the better.. catch it at first signs of degradation. I have always heard cut it down 45 mins after light cycle begins, buty I can't say for sure.. b/c I have always followed it...
  7. G

    Water Cure Dry Bud

    Careful. You may end up with dookie tasting buds.
  8. G

    Step by step drying instructions

    I dry for about 5 days.. then put into glass mason jars. I let them breathe twice a day. For about 10 days ... then I can't help myself.. so I start smoking at that pint.. ha
  9. G

    My First Grow

    Doesn;t look too good bro. Chill, and let them grow..
  10. G

    Trim Trouble

    I made some great cannabutter throught boiling in water with the butter.. and then letting it congele ( spelling is messed up I know). I used 1 1/2 o of mids. for 4 sticks of butter.. and the brownies were delectable!!!!!!!!!!! I ate some before a hiking trip with me and a friend.. and about 500...
  11. G

    Trim Trouble

    o wait.. the trim off of the buds.. sorry.. I'm stoned.!
  12. G

    Trim Trouble

    Are you already into flower? If not then don't waste ur time. Or stress the plants photosynth. Leave em for now.
  13. G

    Droopy plant with spotted leaves

    Also..... Stop giving fert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are in MG soil.. I always let my plants ride throught veg. with just some nutrient rich soil.. I don't fert until flower.... and really, that is only a few times until I start flushing. Good luck! Once you get it.. then you have got it! Like...
  14. G

    Droopy plant with spotted leaves

    Dude. That is way to much h20. If it isn't dry, then don't apply! (h20 that is) I water mine about evry 5 days. But if the top few inches of topsoil aren't dry. Then wait. Weed wants to grow.. you have to let it. ps. I am not into all this scientific stuff.. my lady lets me know when she needs...
  15. G

    What to do with all this poo?

    Compost.. then your good to go. btw, I am your neighbor..... from another thread but i can't message you/.
  16. G

    Any North GA Growers?

    fuck you. oink oink.
  17. G

    24 or 36 hour darkness??

    I will have to try that... will let you know in 8 more weeks.
  18. G

    HPS lights - 1 square meter 400w, 600w or 1000w

    400w HPS, only use what you need.
  19. G

    Any North GA Growers?

    Dalton here