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    Question On DMT

    DMT Street prices are much higher than that, I wouldn't buy from that guy, its a lot higher for the dmt crystals, at least 100 at a time for 10 or so trips. If you grow the plant and extract it yourself, you'll save time and money. Hit me up for the website if you want it. Defintely do DMT...
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    Mescaline in Cactuses

    I am going to buy some seeds offline, hit me via message and I'll give you the website, there are several website to tell you how to prepare said cactus after growing it.
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    acid stories

    My first time tripping acid... I was with some buddies from college and my childhood friend at an Allman Brothers concert. After a little time at red rocks ampitheatre we climbed behind the concert where there was a big hill and a lot of people watching the show. A nice lady kept yelling, "I...
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    Natural Producer of Mescaline... besides peyote

    Ever wondered how to get mescaline without a license for peyote? Peruvian Torch Cactus is a natural producer of the chemical mescaline, and you can grow it your house. Find a herbal site that sells natural herbs and seeds, and you got yourself a natural trip. Hit me up for the site.
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    advice on finding acidd?!

    Concerts and Raves, careful on who you ask, acid can fuck you over legality wise
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    May 26 - Free Weed From Japanese Government at airport

    That would be amazingly sweet to find!
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    MONSTERS? how?

    if you do this outdoors... you will attract critters which will dig up your precious plant. if you do this indoors... it will stink to high hell. good idea in theory... bad idea in practice
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    Rich Mountain Town

    I just moved up to Steamboat Springs for college and coming from Denver this town has the most ridiculous herb prices. Anyone up in the Rocky Mountains that could give me some advice?
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    Colorado anyone?

    Steamboat Springs!
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    Rocky Mountain High

    for sure man, steamboat is an amazing place to board, and its not too busy either and that always makes for a good time. I'm trying to find the hooks out here before I can start growing.
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    Rocky Mountain High

    I am new to this site, and live about an hour and a half from silverthorne and i-70 in colorado. i am looking for fellow cannabis connoisseurs in my area or nearby, so hit me up!
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    how to sneak weed through an airport.. onto a plane and to my destination.?

    Best way? Hollow out large candles, stuff baggies of said mj in candles and seal the two halves back together. Best if you buy a box of 10 candles and hollow out maybe two or three and place them back in the box with the rest. Make sure there is no space in the hollowed candles so as to avoid...
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    Denver toker

    Welcome to the D-town, I'm a native so hit me up if you want to know the chill hooks. -The Boatman