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  1. P

    Critical Mass Tree Grow x 2

    Hello! Im reaaaally impressed of your work! And thanks alot for sharing with all of us other! I have 3x600w system, 4x8 tent. And now im about to flower out 3 old, really big/bushy motherplants and 3 younger. All in coco and will handwater. How would you have placed the plants and where should...
  2. P

    Some really weird leafs. How did this happend?

    Hi and thanks for the replys. It isnt low humidity thats for sure :) Also sounds strange that it should be genetics when its on more than one strain. Its not the leafs im most nervous for, its the stretching that thoose plants have done. Have a nice day!
  3. P

    Some really weird leafs. How did this happend?

    Hi. I have a problem i hope you can help me with. Badly my english isnt that good so i hope the pictures will be to some help. Info: In cocos 3,5liter pots and 7liter pots. Canna nutrients. Temps in order. They are in 12/12 now. However, i pretty rescently saw this weird leafs. And the plants...
  4. P

    Wtf have happend to the plant?

    Well, its not heat, that am i pretty sure of. Belive me. The lower buds are okay but the leaves in the lower area doesnt look good. Feels right to do the wrong but, maybe time to cut that top lol
  5. P

    Wtf have happend to the plant?

    :( Can it possible be phosfor burn? Or how does that shit look?
  6. P

    Wtf have happend to the plant?

    There are 600w hps. I feed about every second day, after two days they look really thirsty. It is burned by something.....What should i do.....Cut the tops of? What could it be burned of?
  7. P

    Wtf have happend to the plant?

    Hey. I was gone for about 3-4 days. I have no idea what happend. They are in soil and i feed hesi nutrients. Its about 3 weeks in to flower and for just 3 days they have stretched and the tops looks fucked up. What have happend?
  8. P

    Looking specific for -Rene-

    Hi guys! You know where i can get some Reneseeds? Have searched the internet bt can not find. Maybe mixes with Rene in it too. Have a nice day! bongsmilie