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  1. spartacus

    Boneman's AK47/PPP Hempy side by side

    i just came. +rep
  2. spartacus

    Lemon G?

    Just got another dose of lemon G!!! For a hardcore smoker for many years who has been to Amsterdam every summer since he started smoking, it is crazy to say, but this is the best weed I've ever smoked. It makes me want to see if anything may be better. What do you think?
  3. spartacus

    Indoor Grow: Blueberry & Cream Caramel (fem)

    just promise that you will post your final yield. I'm intrigued! Great journal!
  4. spartacus

    My first harvest ever!!! *pics*

    Hey all, I'm doing something similar for my first grow. I've got 130 total watts of CFLS over 5 bulbs. I also have a 250 HPS bulb. My question is when should I start the HPS? Should I wait till flowering or bring it in sometime in the veg state? I've got 5 seeds each of Blueberry...
  5. spartacus

    Lemon G?

    Ohio Represent! I just hit a few gravs of Lemon G. Just got this 3 days ago. It is amazing... And the buds are crazy! So fluffy! Our first smoke was very piney. And it is the stinkiest weed I've ever had. But damn is it the best high I've ever had. Ahhhhh. I'm in Ohio and looking for...
  6. spartacus

    Indoor Grow: Blueberry & Cream Caramel (fem)

    OMG BEAUTIFUL. Can I come over? :)
  7. spartacus

    Growmans Stealthy Sour diesel/white widow grow

    how you guys in the US get your seeds?
  8. spartacus

    New grower with questions...

    I just don't know where to get sedes in the US. :(
  9. spartacus

    New grower with questions...

    I just did some more research and realize how many posts are identical to this one. Ugh. I need some insight. It would be greatly appreciated! The cool thing is that I've found a new, truly enjoyable hobby. I had to be an electrician today to wire up that ballast. Couldn't believe I got...
  10. spartacus

    New grower with questions...

    Hi all, I am new to growing and have a few questions. I'll also be posting some pics as I go. Here's my set up: Rubbermaid Growbox 250 Watt HPS light, fans, white tape, etc. 20/20/20 soil 1 seedling of possible sativa decent Here's my dilemma. Waiting for light supplies led me to have a...