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  1. Zerotilt

    PPP KiloBitsSecondGrow

    KILO!!!!! I haven't been on in a while, busy with college and what not but man I am glad that you are still growing and keeping a journal. I can see a big difference in these grows than when you first started. Good job man. I have a lot of reading to do in this journal to catch back up. Looking...
  2. Zerotilt

    PPP KiloBitsSecondGrow

    Congrats Kilo!!!! Keep the Journals coming. Looking forward to seeing how the new girls do. I am at week 9 flower and will harvest in one week. I think I am going to make a thread showing my harvest.
  3. Zerotilt

    PPP KiloBitsSecondGrow

    Congrats on another great grow Kilo. Can't wait to hear the smoke report. Seems like yesterday you were germing her, they grow up so fast.
  4. Zerotilt

    PPP KiloBitsSecondGrow

    Hello Rosalyn. I like that name but you never told us the name of the Gecko. Hmmm. I like PPG. Pure Power Gecko. Sounds tough. like he's going to make sure the plant is going to grow or else. you know??? Yup, I'm pretty baked. Buddy of mine finished curing some White Widow today and brought...
  5. Zerotilt

    So finally harvested WHITE RUSSIAN. 700 grams

    LOL Good Call on the Memento Pic, I enjoyed that movie. :-P
  6. Zerotilt

    PPP KiloBitsSecondGrow

    I'm using a 10 Gallon tub with 6 Gallons of water/Nutes added every monday after I clean the Reservoir. I have to put 2 more gallons in every saturday. She drinks about 8 Gallons a week. Here are a few pics for you Kilo. I don't think I've ever posted pics of my grow on this site before, I...
  7. Zerotilt

    Week 4 Flower Need some advice.

    Thanks for the advice, I'll read through that and see what I can do.
  8. Zerotilt

    Week 4 Flower Need some advice.

    My plant was about 1.5 feet at the end of Veg. In 4 weeks it has now reached 4.5 feet not counting the rubbermaid it is in. When it started to grow like the weed it is, I tried to bend the taller stems out of the way hoping it would have to take some time to grow back towards the light. As of...
  9. Zerotilt

    PPP KiloBitsSecondGrow

    very nice Kilo, I'm going on week 4 of flowering tomorrow so I'm a little behind you. My plant hit the top of my grow cab yesterday even after tying it down and moving it off to the side a little. It must have grown about two and a half times as big as it was at the end of Veg. Glad to see...
  10. Zerotilt

    PPP KiloBitsSecondGrow

    I havent been around in awhile Kilo, just thought I would stop by and check on the grow. Looks like it's coming along nicely. Good job on the trim.
  11. Zerotilt

    PPP KiloBitsSecondGrow

    Looks good Kilo, I like the new AV. Hope it all fits in the cab. Good luck man :weed:
  12. Zerotilt

    1000 Things to do while stoned

    It's all good dude.
  13. Zerotilt

    Britney Spears, yup thats right. Britney Spears

    Do you know how many great quotes you would get from that girl. Enough to laugh for a lifetime.
  14. Zerotilt

    Britney Spears, yup thats right. Britney Spears

    As she calls 411.
  15. Zerotilt

    Britney Spears, yup thats right. Britney Spears

    What's with all the candles? Is it my birthday Y'all? :lol:
  16. Zerotilt

    Britney Spears, yup thats right. Britney Spears

    Sometimes I even scare myself when I write those things. The thought of that coming true wakes me up in the middle of the night. Pot helps. :mrgreen: :bigjoint:
  17. Zerotilt

    Britney Spears, yup thats right. Britney Spears

    I know, maybe we should hold a candlelight vigil for her on her front yard.
  18. Zerotilt

    1000 Things to do while stoned

    1430. eat pussy 1431. fuck pussy 1432. give a pearl neckolace 1433.pack the bong 1434. loose the bong 1435. sleep 1436. just chill Not sure where you got your numbers from 7cotton7, went ahead and corrected it for you.
  19. Zerotilt

    Britney Spears, yup thats right. Britney Spears

    Totally agree. I'm just waiting for her to write her own autobiography. Now that will truly be a worth while thrill into the mind and lifestyle of a genius. Her triumphs over the confusing maps in the malls (You are here? What's that mean Y'all), her epic battle over the Monday crossword puzzle...
  20. Zerotilt

    Britney Spears, yup thats right. Britney Spears

    She is making a pretty nice comeback for how far she fell. I never thought she looked fat at all, I thought she looked like an average person. She looked fine then, she looks great now though.