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  1. M

    6 weeks help!

    yeah pics would help, I might be able to attatch some later... I went thru all the photo diagnosis websites to try and self diagnose... It's either just heat stress or a nute deficiency that much is clear... I dont believe its heat stress becuase its been in the exact conditions the entire time...
  2. M

    6 weeks help!

    Hey everyone, my 2 plants are about to begin their 6th week flowering on Saturday, I havnt used any nutes through this grow and the plants have looked great the entire time with no problems at all... until just recently.. I've got brown spots and big leaf curling and it started on the biggest...
  3. M

    Bud shots...

    thats entirely true, my very first attempt was shabby at the very best yet both turned out female, and now my first real attempt I planted 2 bag seeds and got both females again... sometimes its just luck ya know?
  4. M

    CFL Grow // Flowering?!?

    if your going to guestimate via photograph, get some shots of the actual node so we can see... 5 weeks huh? I think mine showed sex in 18-6 veg in less time than that... if thats true it'd be quicker to veg then flower... since with the additional light hrs in seedling stages it can reach...
  5. M

    Can i 12/12?

    haha I think what everyones trying to say is those are really underperforming for the amount of time you've had them, due to improper lighting... what system are you running?
  6. M

    Small Sampling!! CFL grow, bagseed!!

    how many plants are in there? just one with some heavy LST and topping? looks good though, sorry I dont want to guestimate on cutting her down someone here will know whats up though :) dont get to anxious if you can help it
  7. M

    Flowering and Lighting (pics)

    yours looks alot like what mine did on my first time starting up, that stretching really is a problem though in the long run... I didnt notice the REAL difference until my 2nd grow and then it was like oh my goodness I can't believe I let it get that way... eitherway, for your style growing...
  8. M

    Clones,Preflower?, Pics take a look

    yeah thats exactly my thought, I'd been considering topping and lst, and have done my research but since its my first grow I'll see the whole way through i'm kind of at the " if its not broke dont fix it" moment, and I hadnt really seen real decided info on whether topping actually increases...
  9. M

    Clones,Preflower?, Pics take a look

    what's up Genfranco, okay so revert ? yeah I definitely wouldnt want to do that.. but they shouldnt have to... their still in veg so my plan was just to take a clone and flower the plant I took the clone from, and then just continue that process really... I guess I could top it and take enough...
  10. M

    Clones,Preflower?, Pics take a look

    awesome guys, appreciate the responses :)
  11. M

    Clones,Preflower?, Pics take a look

    ouch no love, bump :)
  12. M

    Clones,Preflower?, Pics take a look

    Hey everyone, had a question or 2... here are my 2 kiddos, soon to be 1 ( since ones a male )... just wanted to see what everyone thought I was wondering if I can take clones from my female yet... I've never done so and I'm considering going the perlite 2liter bottle method... but I was...
  13. M

    cfl & t-12

    the tubes dont have a great intensity, if you were going to use tubes at all you would want to have a ton of them and have them inches away from the plants... you'r better going straight cfl's I think... unless you have a ton of plants all at the same stage and you'd be willing to make a "bed"...
  14. M

    Not another Harvest thread...?

    Alright Ill toss mine in here for a guestimate, this was taken a couple days ago with that in mind... while it appears that theres strong new white hairs growing all the time, but there its got to be at least 60% red to 40% white hair if not actually moreso like 70-30... I dont have a...
  15. M

    Chopped her today

    awesome looking van, how long'd you veg and flower for? you dont have a dry yield estimate do ya? any plans for a 2nd grow? ( I'm on my first grow also, I'm about a week off harvest )
  16. M

    Yellowing during flowering rescue? help? pics...

    yeah unfortunately I dont have a scope at the moment so I can't really just check the trichs, while its unprofessional and kind of guesswork I guess I'll just watch for the pistil color change majority and then go from there... right now I'd say I'm about ... 50-50 white to amber pistil atm I'll...
  17. M

    Yellowing during flowering rescue? help? pics...

    Hey everyone, I have a rescued plant on my hands... meaning a friend of mine gave me his neglected plant due to problems on the home front... this thing is beaten up pretty badly... or at least shes' had a poor history. ( when I got him he had an incandescent light on it, but it was outdoors...
  18. M

    Firts time grow - small grow 60watt

    I just use photobucket to upload photos they give you an img code you just put in the text and your photo will show in the post... well, its a weed it'll grow for a while in the conditions your giving it, but 2, 8watt lights isnt going to do anything helpful in a very short while, and with non...
  19. M

    2 40 w clf

    I just posted on your other thread also, a month or two is a long time I mean thats basically all of your vegging right? your going to need more light than that...and I hope you repotted becuase mine are 2 weeks were rootbound in their solo cup