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  1. 4eftelover

    Please help! need to change my name or delete my posts altogether.

    Please help! need to change my name or delete my posts altogether. my email adress typed into google shows my posts here. it's gotten me in troube already. are any mods or anyone able to help? please
  2. 4eftelover

    Hey, how do i leave?

    i forgot that sarcasm doesnt come across well on the internet.
  3. 4eftelover

    Hey, how do i leave?

    so you can change your username on here?
  4. 4eftelover

    Hey, how do i leave?

    thanks dudes, ill pm potroast. are you guys serious? Obama is gonna get me? but he seems so friendly!
  5. 4eftelover

    Hey, how do i leave?

    howdy folks. How do I delete my account? It's coming up in searches and getting me in trouble. Thanks
  6. 4eftelover

    Ireland - Outdoor Grow

    you and me both my friend. im in ireland too... gonna try an outdoor grow myself this year. will be starting late, but its worth a lash
  7. 4eftelover

    When to Bring Up a Sex Video IN Your Past In a Love Possibility?

    what the fck man? youre some psycho prophesy.... what are u talking about a sex tape... dont you ever contribute anything normal on this site... you seem to spend your time trying to pretend to be a preacher or something
  8. 4eftelover

    "Lies are Cowardice and Immature"

    do us a favour prophesy.... tell us a bit about yourself to convince us of your identity and integrity, because you come across as a wacko
  9. 4eftelover

    Should queers be allowed to adopt

    why not verbally attack people as overtly ignorant as the guy who started the thread? if this forum is free for idiots like that to showcase their stupidity, then im going to use the same freedom to childishly ridicule them! :bigjoint:
  10. 4eftelover

    Should queers be allowed to adopt

    im hetrosexual but fuck you. id say your parents are inbred mutants to bear such an ignorant child. the doctor who presided over your birth should be jailed for not stuffing you straight back in.:wall:
  11. 4eftelover

    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    yes i do know what it means asshole. if you think that "depleted" in the context of uranium means that it is no longer dangerous, then i suggest you go read a book about it you fucking plank! anyway... talking about the effects of depleted uranium on human genetics is a side issue. im asking...
  12. 4eftelover

    The Justice of Jesus Christ

    oh for fucks sake.... what age are you? 15? theres no way youre a stoner! why speak in such a way? because the bible is written like that? wheres your brain?
  13. 4eftelover

    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    and by the way, and with all due respect... im not trying to prove a point, because you cannot prove a point to people who have blind faith and will never consider changing their point of view.
  14. 4eftelover

    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    it was on a website for du, but after checking it, youre right. look, its kind of besides the point..... this discussion is about god. im certainly not trying to exploit the childs obvious suffering. i know its a difficult image to look at, but its reality... theres a lot of people who...
  15. 4eftelover

    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    for all you believers out there who are so sure that god knows and sees everything....... please do a quick google image search for depleted uranium.... look at the images of children born with unbelievably horrific defects... some so bad that they dont even resemble humans.... ...this is...
  16. 4eftelover

    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    to be fair then, your not irish, your american
  17. 4eftelover

    What's the biggest mistake Bush made?

    very very true. after all, it was clear to see after the first 4 years that he was an idiot, but some dumb fucks voted him back in. i couldnt believe it
  18. 4eftelover

    The Justice of Jesus Christ

    this guy called prophecy is a lunatic. look at what it says on his site... the biggest load of drivell i have ever heard. if you hand money over to this freak you probably deserve to burn in hell along with "generation x" hahahahaha priceless Welcome to Eternity Investments.</B> A...
  19. 4eftelover

    The Justice of Jesus Christ

    great quote there. fucking hilarious
  20. 4eftelover

    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    because youre in the wrong thread my friend