Thought this would be useful. Looks like daily they fly over with helicopters to see if people have to much heat etc. Not a problem for the LED growers. But what are your ideas?
Just seen these on eBay and im thinking of buying some. They are self watering pots you fill them up with water and let them do there thing??
Do you think these will be ok for our marijuana plants will they over water them or what?
yeh these give off 4000 lumens for a 30cmx30cm area?? im planning now to grow 8 plants in a 60cmx60cm area. Have ordered my AK47 X Lowrider 2 auto plants. Will take aout 5 weeks to grow them so the packet says and they are small plants which is good for the room :D. I hope they will grow with this.
I plan to stick 4 in that 12" x 12" area and with foil around the walls as im making a box 12" x 12" and having the led panel as the lid. I do like the idea of these led lights. low power consumption. and just the way they look. I will leave the lights on 24hours for the grow.
well that 56w light is about £70 and the 16w is about £30. so would my idea of using a 16w panel to grow 4 plants a bad idea. Would leave the lights on 24 hours
two of these lights. im thinking of making a 30cm x 30cm x 50cm box with the light as the lid. These lights do not produce alot of heat. and apparantley 1w led = 3w hps.
It is a mixture of red and blue lights and claims to give the plant what it needs. its 30cmx30cm so im thinking of making a box which is also 30cmx30cm and have the light as a lid of the box. How many plants do you think this light can grow and how many plants could you have max in a 30cmx30cm...
Just seen these on a u.k site im thinking of buying them to start up with.
Dutch Passion Feminised Brainstorm
(Indoor) 10 Seeds
This variety was strongly improved in 1998, a breakthrough in the development of this...
how much is ur electricty bill with all of those lights and how many are you growing? and how many ounces are you getting and how often? sorry bout all the questions just want to get started up the best way