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  1. 1

    Flowering?? *PIC*

    Well, I would say that its been atleast a week if not more on a 10 hour or less per day light cycle... And those white "hairs" have never shown up, this is the first time and they're multiplying daily. She's 3.5 months old now. Another thing that is strange is the leaves are all curling under...
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    WhiteWidow-Purple-Kush Pictures *UPDATE*

    quick question regarding your plants...well first, I have to say those HONESTLY are the healthiest looking plants I have seen on this forum, so congrats on that bro, lookin REAL nice!! My question is, did you prune some of the bigger plants in your pics? They look great, dont get me wrong...
  3. 1

    Flowering?? *PIC*

    Just as the title eludes to... is my mama plant flowering? I've definetely changed lighting times and types over the past 2 weeks and think I unintentially threw her into flowering stage. And just so you all know, for some reason I can not for the life of me get a close up picture detailing the...
  4. 1

    How to top my 5.5 footer...*PICS*

    Again, thank you all for the help. I honestly do my best to utilize the search function and only post as a last resort. The plant is actually very healthy, but she streatched quite a bit over the course of her life, mainly because I switched out lighting types a few times in attempt to get the...
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    How to top my 5.5 footer...*PICS*

    Thanks for the reply, I really appreciate the help. I started germinating the seed she grew from on 9/22, so that would put her at around 2.5 months roughly. This is my first grow, I did quite a bit of research prior to starting, but all the research in the world isnt nearly as informative as...
  6. 1

    How to top my 5.5 footer...*PICS*

    I searched for "TOP, TOPPING, HOW TO TOP" etc and didnt come up with an answer to my question. Im basically looking for information on how to top my mother plant. I have run out of verticle space and the plant in question is getting close to 6'. I am using her as a mother but am debating...
  7. 1

    Advice needed, clones and mother plant.. *PICS*

    Just a couple of questions... I have recently cut (4) clones off of my mother plant, and considering the fact that she is over 3 months old, can I go straight to flowering with the clones after they have established a stable root system?? I know they are only 7-9" tall, but if statistically...
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    Friend dropped off some problem

    Alright, so Im not exactly new to the game here, and have delt with my fair share of plant issues, but my friend grew some white widow seedlings and has had non-stop trouble with them. He dropped them off to me yesterday in the condition you see in the picture below. According to him they were...
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    NEED QUICK RESPONSE, PLEASE! Short question.

    Well to be honest, I've been constantly renovating my setup due to "un-foreseen circumstances" so other than the Yeild Master hood I have, I have been on and off with my mylar and other reflective material. Currently, I have none.
  10. 1

    NEED QUICK RESPONSE, PLEASE! Short question.

    Ok, so no cutting leaves, got it. But these big ones are literally laying on top of the growth coming up from the middle, there is no way that it is getting any light. Is that normal, or do I have something wrong with my setup that I dont know about? My setup is very basic, 1 plant and 1...
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    NEED QUICK RESPONSE, PLEASE! Short question.

    Yeah, as soon as the hydro shop opens tomorrow Im gonna get a decent tester. Im not exactly sure what you mean regarding the new growth. But I do have one question for you, I have these really big fan leaves that are completely covering the new growth that is coming from the center out toward...
  12. 1

    NEED QUICK RESPONSE, PLEASE! Short question.

    OK, so I went and picked up the most advanced PH test kit I could find (its still a complete POS, but its meant for gardening, so maybe it will be a little better than my pool test kit). It comes with these different little tablets that look like small pills and each type of pill is used to test...
  13. 1

    NEED QUICK RESPONSE, PLEASE! Short question.

    No, the soil isnt muddy at all. I flushed yesterday afternoon which was about 27 hours ago and am currently running a 18 hour on light cycle which ended 5 hours ago, so the plant was under 18 hours of light after the flush which Im sure aided in drying out the soil a bit. I wont have access to...
  14. 1

    QUICK TIP for testing water runp-off for PH

    I just had to test the run-off of my soil to try and figure out if I had a PH problem or not and found that testing the run-off alone was quite difficult if you were using a liquid type test kit (the ones where you put the water in a tube and add 5 drops of some additive). The difficulty came in...
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    NEED QUICK RESPONSE, PLEASE! Short question.

    Ok, I just tested the run-off and its off the charts (way low). Im using a liquid test kit that ranges from 6.8-8.2. I know its a piece of junk and I need to get a better one to get a definitive answer, but for now (until my hydro store opens tomorrow) Im stuck with it. Anyway, the lowest...
  16. 1

    NEED QUICK RESPONSE, PLEASE! Short question.

    Problem: Plant leaves are getting yellow and brown spots, leave tips curling under. Diagnosis: Most likely PH problem. Things done prior to issue surfacing: Flushed 1 gallon pot yesterday with 2 gallons of tap (PH around 7.5) and 1 final gallon of bottled drinking water (LOW PH, under 5.5...
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    Read through "Diagnosing Problems" cant decide *PICS*

    I apologize for the 1,000,000th post with the "help me diagnose" title, but I've read through all of the symtoms and there are a few that overlap in characteristics. I flushed my plant yesterday due to it being grown in MG and the fact that I think I had salt build up and possibly some nute...
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    Big fan leaves covering new growth

    I've had some substantial growth from the middle of my plant (from the main stalk outward) and there are a few really big fan leaves that are completely covering this growth. Is there anything I should do? It seems like the newer growth will not get the light/air circulation it needs.
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    Did my reasearch, still cant figure it.. PICS

    Sup guys, my 3 x-planted girls are still lookin like complete ass...not any worse, but most definetely not any better. Still drooping and the tips of the leaves still crispy. BUT, the one that I didnt x-plant and that i just put under the HPS is doing INSANE!!!! Crazy growth and looking...
  20. 1

    Did my reasearch, still cant figure it.. PICS

    Cool bro, will do.. And seriously, thank you for all of your help, I really do appreciate it.