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  1. K

    Is my plant a hermaphrodite?

    hahahaha thanks bro
  2. K

    Is my plant a hermaphrodite?

    also, how much bud do you think it will produce? some of the white hairs kinda just started to turn orange, I don't think I see any buds though. It has been flowering since March 3rd. Any any idea how much longer till I can harvest? a also, how much bud do you think it will produce? some of...
  3. K

    Is my plant a female or a male?

    Also, my plant appears to be sick,anyone know what's wrong? It's under 24/0 lighting(1 CFL), and it doesn't have nutes(just ordered jacks classic duo), another thing is whenever I water it, the water sits on the top of the pot and doesn't drain though, any suggestions?
  4. K

    How much butane do I need to make wax out of an Oz of stems?

    and also, anyone know of a DIY tube I can make to run the butane through? Thanks
  5. K

    Any way to separate trichromes from ground up stem?

    Thanks man, anyone else have any ideas?
  6. K

    Any way to separate trichromes from ground up stem?

    So I have about a half Oz of ground up stem that is pretty much a kief texture, really powdery and green. I know it would be very difficult(if possible) to seperate the trichromes from the ground up stem since it is already in powder form, but does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
  7. K

    Is my plant dying?

    This is my first plant so I don't exactly know what's wrong with it. I'm assuming it's over-watered but I know the leaves also droop down if it's being under-watered, how can you tell the difference between over and under-watering? btw it's on a 24hour light cycle and I have not given it...