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  1. D

    Freaking Out! Advice Please!

    Ya I have a tendency to do things half-assed in my life I guess, real bad habit, but thanks for the support/advice this has definately been a learning experience. I'm mostly just worried about getting evicted now, I have finals coming up next month, hopefully karma is on my side right now. I'm...
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    Freaking Out! Advice Please!

    @ dmoneysaver: ?? Thank you for taking the time to reply guys I really appreciate it. I chopped em, got everything in garbage bags and i'm currently taking the room apart that we constructed out of plywood. My so called friend left and went to his moms house I assume. I'm gonna take the...
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    Freaking Out! Advice Please!

    Thanks you guys for replying I'm gonna cut em down tonight I realize I was reaching out to the internet, pretty pathetic and desperate but I guess thats what I am. I can tell you guys are kind hearted people, thank you.
  4. D

    Freaking Out! Advice Please!

    I was thinking I might wait till I go in to pay my rent tomorrow and see if the land lord says anything..I've put in so much time and work on these things it would be sad to just cut them down. But it would probably be better to have everything out regardless of what a witness may have seen...
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    Freaking Out! Advice Please!

    K I'm freaking out a little bit here. I went to school today and came back and my front door was locked (I never lock my front door..) And the downstairs lights where my operation is were turned on. The lights in the rec room not the ones in the grow room (they were turned off when I left for...
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    (First timer here)--males?

    lol ok well they're out now i was really gentle taking them out.. fuck I hope they didn't pollinate, thanks for the help tho guys everyone on this site is great! Check out my journal if ya interested:
  7. D

    (First timer here)--males?

    so do i gota get em outa there asap, are they gonna spooge all over my girls soon?
  8. D

    (First timer here)--males?

    Yah i'm quite sure that these are males right?
  9. D

    White Widow X Buddha; 600 W HPS; Soil; (Quality PICS!)

    thanks jesus, now this is probably a commonly asked question by beginners but anyone have any guesses on what I could expect for a yield? I'm optimistically hoping for like 500 grams...
  10. D

    Master Kush scrog. 150w hps, 1 mini fridge, 1 seed. hydro - flowering PICS

    whats up watercooled, ya thanks man, i'm diggin your grow too man scrog is a cool concept, looks like you got some nice buds goin too. What kinda nutes you use to flower i'm gonna go out and buy some flowering nutes for my girls right away. Here's my journal if anyone interested...
  11. D

    White Widow X Buddha; 600 W HPS; Soil; (Quality PICS!)

    Hey whats up guys yah i'm just using an organic nutrient solution the guy at the hydro store recommended botanicare brand I think and just regular soil except for two of them are in promix. My timer is fucking up on me though and they've had a bit of an irregular light schedule for a bit they...
  12. D

    Hey whats up rollitup

    Hey whats up everybody just thought I'd put out an official whats up, i've been cruisin around on the site now for a little while and I just posted my first grow journal tonight. Here is the link: check em out, they...
  13. D

    first grow, help please?!?..PICS!

    If anyone happens to be in this thread here is my plants now that they are healthy and one week into flowering..I have started a grow journal:
  14. D

    White Widow X Buddha; 600 W HPS; Soil; (Quality PICS!)

    Good day fellow smokers I am today posting my long procrastinated grow journal... I planned to post a journal updating from seed to smoke but I've been busy as fuck lately so i'm starting my journal today 1 week into flowering. Ya I got 8 plants goin I can't tell yet the sex of any of them, but...
  15. D

    Weed disposal

    Too tough? There is no such thing, an ideal human diet always includes stems of the cannabis plant. This plant co-evolved with us through cooperation between the two species. We help it in its ultimate goal to make as many copies of its specific genetic make-up, and it helps us to do the same...
  16. D

    Weed disposal

    Whatever your relationship with that individual be it friend or acquiantance you can be sure that if he was in the habit of pissing in 20oz coke bottles that he was also crazy enough to dispose of his feces in some rudimentary disposal contraption. This is a man you do not want to come into...
  17. D

    first grow, help please?!?..PICS!

    I should also have mentioned that I have them on a 20/4 light-dark schedule, this likely means they have to be watered more often than you may have in mind...?
  18. D

    first grow, help please?!?..PICS!

    Thanks yah thats exactly what I ended up doing today so yah I hope they get better. Also I hope to put together a grow journal for these things as well, i'll post the link in this thread for anyone thats interested. Thanks again guys.
  19. D

    first grow, help please?!?..PICS!

  20. D

    first grow, help please?!?..PICS!

    K here is some better pics of the two I'm most worried about. The others are relatively healthy with some having slight discoloration on a few leaves.