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  1. Y

    Outsides of fan leaves curling up

    Is this heat stress or a magnesium def? Temp 75 degrees 50% humidity Alien og 1 month old
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    what botanicare products for veg??

    I just switched over to botanicare from Dyna grow.. I was wondering what products should I run during veg? Liquid karma, pure blend pro, cal-mag? Anything else?
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    3 plants have claw leaves

    Fixed the pics. And ok thank you
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    3 plants have claw leaves

    3 of 22 plants have claw leaves what is causing this? Just flipped to flower running dyna-gro in happy frog soil.
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    Pruning all fan leafs during veg

    He said that he was watching a vid on youtube and we will get a bigger yield..Yet no where in the vid said to take off all fan leaves. Hes just burnt
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    Pruning all fan leafs during veg

    My pics aren't sending to my email. Anyways on another note i just transplanted into 5 gallon pots 3 days ago i forgot to mention that. I'm going to let them veg for another week see how they do. Should i still add nutes in my water and how much water should i give them?
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    Pruning all fan leafs during veg

    Its not as bad as i thought. Im trying to upload a pic.
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    Pruning all fan leafs during veg

    So I got home and my buddy pruned all 22 of our plants. Not leaving a single fan leaf. I planned on going into flower next week since they are a month old. All plants are around 18 inches any thoughts of what this is going to do?
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    How many exhaust fans for 3 1000w lights

    I currently have 1 light hooked up with a 6 in fan sucking air out and it's a sealed room and I'm running the sun leaves hoods
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    How many exhaust fans for 3 1000w lights

    Was wondering how many exhaust fans I'll need for 3 1000w hps lights?
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    Still droopy after 4 days into veg

    Alright I backed it up 12 more inches thanks for the help. Also I have them on a 22/2 schedule is that fine
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    Still droopy after 4 days into veg

    had to spray some neem oil had spider mites straight from the club :/
  13. Y

    Still droopy after 4 days into veg

    My babies are still droopy after 4 days into veg. I'm using happy frog potting soil distilled water 1000w mh bulb have a fan running on low the temp is 70 degrees humidity is low at 40 percent I'm keeping soil moist down low and dry on top..
  14. Y

    Hps or mh for veg

    Thanks for the help guys! I actually have 12 of them
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    Hps or mh for veg

    I have all the dyna gro nutes and ok I'll post some when I get on PC
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    Hps or mh for veg

    Thanks man. Also there a little droopy I'm running a 20 - 4 I'm thinking it's just cause the transplant. When should I start adding nutes?
  17. Y

    Hps or mh for veg

    I'm new to growing and learning little by little. Was wondering if I should run a hps or mh during veg. I just transplanted yesterday. I'm running a 1000w. I have both bulbs.. Strain is jack hrer.