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  1. J


    The white blotchy spot has turned brown and now there are more that have popped up just overnight... I rush ordered some calimagic in case this is a cal mag deficiency.. Let me know what you guys think about this situation..
  2. J


    I don't have an exact temp but I would say 50s-mid to low 60s... The water is pretty cool but not freezing.. I like to keep the water chilled because my last plant caught pythium
  3. J


    I have been using tap water, and there is plenty of room in the tank for her roots lol,, and the spots are starting to turn brown... Just makes me kind of worried,, trying to stay on top of this, I hear things change fast when using hydroponics... She is also planted in the pods that come with...
  4. J


    Thanks guys, are there any stores I can get a good PH tester?? Mine jumps around and takes way to long to get a reading I think is only coming close to what the actual PH is
  5. J


    Started getting these white spots on my leaves not sure what to do, I don't want any more showing up.. How do I stop this from spreading??... I'm growing white widow, using aerogarden ultra LED, PH I keep around 5.8-6.0 .. I am using Dutch master gold at half strength nutes.. What do u think it...
  6. J

    First time grower.. Need info

    So I shouldn't worry about the slight drooping in the fan leaves? And the dark devil strain is supposed to turn purple but I thought it would ot happen during flowering
  7. J

    First time grower.. Need info

    So I shouldn't worry about the slight drooping of the leaves?
  8. J

    First time grower.. Need info

    Hey guys... This is my first grow and I'm using an aerogarden ultra LED with Dutch master Gold grow A+B nutrients.. I am growing dark devil strain from sweet seeds.. I nute burned my plant early on since then It looks like it is doing much better... Not sure but some of my leaves have...