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  1. J

    Help with set up

    Hey yall! Ive asked this question on another forum, but ima just repost it here to see what yall beautiful people think. So my friend and I are planning a small grow. We are converting a room into a 4-6 light closed loop grow. The room is approx 14x18 or so with a height of about 10 ft. I was...
  2. J

    Welcome New Members!

    I've seen that in my friends growery. He had no idea what it was either. Keep us posted!
  3. J

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello friends my name is jak, and I'm fairly new to growing. Tried it once in my friends closet but it did not work out so well. Thinking of giving it another shot. I'm trying to find a good recipe to use instead of hydro farm (I think that's what it was called). Any suggestions? Heard a lot...