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  1. greengrow881

    Ordering Spores

    So i'm looking to order some spores off the net and I would like to know where you guys suggest. Stealth is a factor so please guys help me out here!
  2. greengrow881

    dude its me from columbus! we built the box together! remember me?

    dude its me from columbus! we built the box together! remember me?
  3. greengrow881

    Nirvana Jock Horror 400w

    We'll this sucks cause I have to start from a new account and start all over due to the fact that I had to take a break from all of this for my own reasons but that being said i'm back at it again! So i ordered seeds from Nirvana Seed Bank and of course like always they shipped very fast and...
  4. greengrow881

    Gods Green Crack Aerogarden/Aero unit

    that couple to last pic looks like it might be a male
  5. greengrow881

    jock horror auto

    what kind of lights are you runnin and what as far as nuts?