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  1. thefunofit

    Deficiency, heat stress or chem burn?

    Thanks Hogbud. I backed off the nutes to about half of what I had originally been feeding them and I swear they grew a foot in 3 days. My ppms are low 450-650 which is way off where everything says they should be in flower (opinion and online reading), but they look like they are loving it...
  2. thefunofit

    Deficiency, heat stress or chem burn?

    I don't know. These leaves were about 2 and a half to 3 feet from the light. I'll post some pics of what some of the larger fans look like that show the same or possibly the same signs. Maybe I'm just being overly cautious but they don't look as healthy as they used to. Maybe too long in veg or...
  3. thefunofit

    Deficiency, heat stress or chem burn?

    My Liberty Haze girls are 69 days into VEG and I want to flip them. 1 400W MH 12-15 inches from plants 18/6 5 Gallon pots 60/40 coco/per-light coco specific nutes a/b, rhizo, cannazym PH in 5.7-5.8 PH out 5.8-6.0 PPM 658 Great circulation including oscillating fan barely moving the leafs. The...
  4. thefunofit

    Nutrients/Canna Coco A+B and supplements

    Brother GreenThumb, I was wondering what is your watering system? I don't have a tent, more like a super stealth 4'x10'x8'. Need to devise a way to water when put in bigger pots. With my humidity so low it may be possible to let some stand...? Anxious to see how the MH and larger pots change...
  5. thefunofit

    Nutrients/Canna Coco A+B and supplements

    Nice. Day 14 above ground seems to be looking good. Going to transplant to 3 or 5 gallons later. There is something weird happening at the end of some of the leaves. Not sure if this is bad or regular in the very first set of leaves after the oval ones. Check it out, tell me what you...
  6. thefunofit

    Nutrients/Canna Coco A+B and supplements

    Hey Brother GreenThumb..., I let them go 30hrs. between watering and they seem to have flourished. Awesome advice. Will stick to watering just before lights out so every 24hrs. I did purchase the Coco A+B and upped the dose of rhizo to a full dose per your advice. I also purchased a PH pen...
  7. thefunofit

    Nutrients/Canna Coco A+B and supplements

    That's awesome. Reading a lot about germination and there are too many variables to allow that it is your methods that are wrong for the strain you are trying to germinate. The one most notable aspect is the age and quality of the seed. If this is not held to some sort of quality standard its...
  8. thefunofit

    Nutrients/Canna Coco A+B and supplements

    I used 4 bounty paper towels on the bottom and two on the top. I moistened all the towels, with the seeds between them, one time. Used two coffee saucer plates as a clam-shell and kept them under my sink. Temp: 70-75 Humidity: 40-50% outside the clam-shell, but optimum inside. Used 5.8 PH...
  9. thefunofit

    Nutrients/Canna Coco A+B and supplements

    Greetings, Thanks for the info. Was using the Coco CoGr Vega A+B, but am thinking of switching to Coco A+B today. Need to go pick up some cal mag, I think, as prevention is optimal. This is my first grow. Strain is Liberty Haze. CoGr A+B 4ml/gal rhizo 3.5/gal PH 5.6-5.8 PPM 360-405 Yours...
  10. thefunofit

    Nutrients/Canna Coco A+B and supplements

    Ive read all the info. from Canna's website, but still have reservations about the recommended dose...they look so fragile... Should I cut the initial feeding that's recommended in 1/2 or possibly in 1/4 for -+1 week? Any other tried and true recommendations with this type of grow would be...
  11. thefunofit

    Germination to seedling

    Those look fine. Again from what I have read you will need two per plant until they outgrow their two lights which seems to be when the plant can no longer be kept 2-4" from the cfl you provide
  12. thefunofit

    Germination to seedling

    Captspliff, From what I have read a 42W 6500k CFL would be ideal. Figure two per plant to begin. They are a bit on the expensive side, but perhaps worth the add 5-10$ expense per bulb. Hope this helps, Thefunofit
  13. thefunofit

    Germination to seedling

    Thank you very much for your quick reply, Now under lights per your suggestion. :confused:Should I set the timer for the 18/6 they will live under or give them 24hr light? :confused:If 24hr lights for seedling when should I switch the schedule? After they sprout or when they go under the MH...
  14. thefunofit

    Germination to seedling

    Thanks for the quick replies. I will move to the room and lights while removing them from my make shift humidity dome.
  15. thefunofit

    Germination to seedling

    I have successfully germinated 5/5 using 6 paper towel method within 31hrs..:hump: Soil-less medium is 60/40 Canna Coco/Course Per-lite with extra layer per-lite on bottom of cup to limit clogs. Soil-less medium lightly watered with 5.8PH and allowed to drain through 5-6 10D nail size holes in...