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  1. Monkey298

    Plant leafs droop and grows retartedly

    your an idiot. that is mylar :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
  2. Monkey298

    K1Ng5p4d3's Cardboard Box Grow (hehe)

    HAHAHA fool i swear we have the same exact everything bagseed plants cfl grow FOLGERS COFFEE AS A CONTAINER LOL its the only thing i had hahaha its a bitch to get out though when transplanting, im actually hoping that my bud tastes like medium roast hahaha MEDIUM ROAST PERFECT FOR WAKE AND BAKE...
  3. Monkey298

    My First Grow Room - Seed to Bud

    cheap and slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww trust me a 1000 hps could grow out 3 times as much bud in HALF the time cfl is just BARELY enough for the plants TO SLOWLY CREAP AND CRAWL AND DRAG THEIR power hungry bodies up towards a very WEAk not not not powerful...
  4. Monkey298

    chocolate bonsai bush

    oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh chocolatety chocolate nutty chunk crispy CRUNC BUD MMMMMMMMM hahhahaha cant wait till my babies harvest lalala
  5. Monkey298

    My first little harvest, pics

    your fan leaves are VERY VERY THIN this is caused by very lowww humidity that would be my guesss humidiy NEEDS to be between 40-55% very very crucial in flowering:joint::blsmoke:
  6. Monkey298

    I do everything right, plants still dying.

    NEVER USE TAP AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HARD WATER HARD WATER always use distilled or bottled or osmosis shit shit shit also i'd have to say its also nitrogen deficient considering your not using any at all hahaha buy some nutes with some nitrogen i suggest advanced nutrients ITS THE...
  7. Monkey298

    Help!!! Newbie question

    genetics A PERFECT example of odds and percentages when growing marijuana out of ten seeds expect 8 to germinate of those 8 expect 4 to grow healthy strong and fastt of those 4 expect only 2 to be female ahhhh the odds are against us but seriously have no fear of you doing ANYTHING WRONG...
  8. Monkey298


    toooooooo much fuckin HARD WATER use distilled wwater or bottled water never tap, as it contains chlorine and other harsh chemicals( harsh to the plants not humans) also only water when the first 3cm (1/4 in) of the soil are completely dry when watering poor a continuous flow of water into the...
  9. Monkey298

    Plant leafs droop and grows retartedly

    okay so my plants were SEVERLEY rootbound and i put them into new pots the day after i took those photos they sprung back up ALMOST IMMEDIATELY THANK YOU EVERYBODY FOR SAVING MY LOVELY sinsemillaaa still... idk why my soil takes soooooo long to dry 7-10 days :confused: my soil is 1/3...
  10. Monkey298

    marijuana/bush how to?

    WHOOOOOOOAAAAAAA :shock::shock::shock: very very very very nice :joint::hump: how much did that plant yield??? i've got a plant under lst right now and im hoping to get atleast 5 ounces hope it turns out as BEASTY as yours holy fuck hahaha
  11. Monkey298

    Plant leafs droop and grows retartedly

    Okay so my first plant We'll callll her plant A has leaves that are bent at the halfway point on the leaf like it goes out straight, and then halfway accross it just goes straight down 90 degrees Its been 8-9 days since i watered and both plants are about 2-3 weeks into vegatative stage. im...
  12. Monkey298

    6 Ice Princess,3 Hydro 3 Soil

    wow is that freaking tinfoil underneath your plant?? seriouslY??? first of allll ALUMINIUM FOIL IS THE WORST POSSIBLE REFLECTOR it absorbs the heat and reflects back nothing!!!(mylar or reflect white sheeting, or painting your walls white is 10000 times more effective) twooo plants absorb all...