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  1. syphonlikepill

    Something to smoke with

    also- if ur looking for something a bit more party oriented- heres my bucket design. bucket bongs give u massive hits and are loads of fun. 2 lt milk or soft drink bottle. party cone peice knife bucket ok- get ur 2 lt bottle and cut the top half off, a good indicator is with coke bottles...
  2. syphonlikepill

    Something to smoke with

    hey all. this is how we make a simple standard bong in australia. ive seen a lot of wierd designs on here that dont seem very practical to me. this is a surefire- awesome bong that ud have to try pretty hard to stuff up. ingredients- 1 small gatorade, flavoured milk etc.. bottle. clear or...
  3. syphonlikepill

    Question- tranny plants.

    yeah yeah, ill get these ones flowering and see what happens, but after that i think i definitely will get some clones of another friends ak48's. anyone know if their good for outdoor? itd be a choice between Bigbud and ak48 anyway. thanks for the replies.
  4. syphonlikepill

    Question- tranny plants.

    heya, im new, this is my first post, though i have been checking out this forum pretty intently for the past three months and have found it enourmously helpful. im in the middle of my first grow and things seem to be going well. not knowing the sex is frustrating though. its a backyard job at me...