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    flowering night time

    i maintain about 70 degrees during the night and day both. my plant is indoors
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    flowering night time

    When my plant begins to flower, where should i place my plant in the night and what temperature should i maintain where the plant is placed
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    plant light 65

    i forgot to ask where shhould i put my plant at night during flower. what temp?
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    plant light 65

    damn. where can i buy REAL cfl lights that are 100watt?
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    plant light 65

    haha yea the blue spotlight but luckily you guys told me its garbage and bought a 100watt cfl. but i noticed in fine print it says it takes 14 watts to power the light or something like that. is that still okay? oh and how much do those sodium lights retail for?
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    plant light 65

    well i also have a 30 watt cfl shining light on it too. will that work better?
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    plant light 65

    i just bought a 65 watt plant light made by GE. it is not a fluorescent bulb. will this work for my now flowering plant? please help me
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    flower power

    what does the temperature of the soil or plant need to be during flowing cause i have a small heatpad if that would work
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    flower power

    i have a plant that is about 5 weeks old and is about 8 inches tall. when should i begin flowing it? and how do i flower it?
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    tryna flower

    how do you go about flowering your plant and how do you know when the plant is ready to flower?
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    i cant really tell if my plant is a female or a male... its a strain called sasquatch so it should get pretty hairy during flowering.. soo how long do you usually wait to flower your plant?
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    well when is it when you can start flowering?
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    veg know how

    when and how can i veg my 5 week old marijuana plant?
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    i have a plant that is about 4 weeks old. i dont really know what schedule to stay by to have a healthy plant that produces bud. when can i veg the plant?
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    the lamp i'm using is called the sunlight and it has two 30watt cfl bulbs in it
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    when can i vegitate my plant so that it can flower?

    i'm wondering how many weeks old the plant should be before it can flower?
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    I have a healthy marijuana plant growning. its about 4 weeks old and is about 7 inches tall. i have been using one, 30 watt light to provide light. is this enough light for me plant?
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    white bloch

    my plant is about two weeks old and on one of the 2 large rigid leaves there is a small lighter colored light green bloch on one of the ridges
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    i was curious to find out if you were to place some compost material in the soil say like pumpkin guts, would it make your plant healthier or grow faster?
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    is there anyway that you can help the plant become female only?