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  1. K

    need little advice please

    Cheers mate.
  2. K

    need little advice please

    Thanks for your opinoin mate. Really thinging off getting big bud .......but white rhino keeps poppin up in my head lool where's best place get big bud seeds ?
  3. K

    need little advice please

    Hii every. Iv been looking for sum seeds for sea of green and caarnt decide which is best for taaste and yield. Iv looked at big bud ,white rhino. Critical mass. Or if u have any gOod ideas let me know thanks
  4. K

    silver haze

    yer she is small . onli stated 5 jan m8 . stated 12/12 . even if do get 2 gram better thn nothin .:finger:
  5. K

    silver haze

    so am guessin longggg :wall:
  6. K

    silver haze

    hi ppl. jus wonderin if anyone nos how long it takes a silver haze plant from seed 12/12 to finish ? :-? got few pics for ya .
  7. K

    transplanting while flowering ?

    thnks .. il go and do tht now thn !! jus wonderin wot is this +reps thing
  8. K

    transplanting while flowering ?

    thts alright thn .....think goin get bigger pots tomorrow for next grow !!in mean time do ya think i can cut the bottom off the pot and place it on top of another pot so the roots can spread out ?
  9. K

    transplanting while flowering ?

    cheers for will she be ok if i dont move her thn ? i think next time it would be good idea 2 get bigger pots lol ....
  10. K

    transplanting while flowering ?

    ezi 30 days into flowering white widow and its doing great but today i noticed tht a\ few roots are comin out of the bottom of the pot:!:jus want to no if i can move it into another pot ??
  11. K

    my 1st grow ....

    ezi ppl ..thought id let u no how th plant is goin !!:blsmoke:any way woke up 1 mornin and the plant was proper droopin ...though mite of bin overwaterin but want sure soo i went out brought some new soil shit and a bigger pot and its doin a lot better ..hers some pics upload some close ups...
  12. K

    Free seeds to uk only

    ummmm not sure bout this 1 ...could do wiv some seeds aswell
  13. K

    Free seeds to uk only

    are u bein serious m8 have some seeds if u are
  14. K

    single cola plants?

    yer jus wondering wen u take a clone do u need 2 have root powder ?? or can u put thm in some water ...will it grow roots
  15. K

    closet setup any advice ppl welcome

    not sure yet prob have bout 4 seedlings and 1 main plant ..not really sure depends how many fit in :peace:
  16. K

    closet setup any advice ppl welcome

    safee ppl ..thinkin bout turning my closet into a proper grow room soon wen i get paid ...done a little picture see wot u think ..any comments or advice welcome
  17. K

    closet setup ??

    safee ppl ..thinkin bout turning my closet into a proper grow room soon wen i get paid ...done a little picture see wot u think ..any comments or advice welcome :joint:
  18. K

    need help on this plzz

    sweet will do
  19. K

    need help on this plzz

    safe ppl thns 4 the info stratin the 18/6 gowing 2 buy a light timer thing 2moz ....wen do i no wen to flower ...wen is too early :?: and are hurmis ok 2 grow took 10 mins 2 write thie cunt..cuz i battered man:bigjoint:
  20. K

    need help on this plzz

    o yer ...will my planted be stunned by changing the light times from 12/12 to 18/6:?: