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  1. C

    does my plant look healthy?????????

    Was the plant you took the cutting from in the flower stage?
  2. C


    You should start by investing in lighting, and in plant pots. The SOONER you don't grow in a window sill the better. I feel like that would help you out significantly. Also, I agree with ThatLEDGrowKid; you need to let them veg longer. And cut him some slack, he has to learn somehow.
  3. C

    does my plant look healthy?????????

    Is this a clone from a flowering plant?
  4. C

    does my plant look healthy?????????

    I mean it's not a very clear picture. Is there any spotting on the leaves? It's hard to see in the picture, but I don't think you have anything major going wrong for you. Post a better picture if you can
  5. C

    Growing containers

    I use a clone box, and when my roots are ready in there I transplant to a solo cup, then to a 2 gallon bucket about 3-4 weeks into veg, then to 5 gallon buckets. Like DCobeen said, you can use different mediums at different stages. Another reason I do it is it helps me keeps my cycles organized...
  6. C

    FFOF soil problems

    I don't give my clones any nutrients for the first 3-4 weeks I just let the soil take care of that. Right before I transplant for the first time I start giving light amounts of nutrients. I start at about 25% normal dose and gradually go up from there. I would suggest flushing out your clones...
  7. C

    Tops Turnining Yellow

    Alright, thanks for all your advice guys! Hopefully my babies turn around quickly :D
  8. C

    Tops Turnining Yellow

    How will I know if I should cut them or not?
  9. C

    Tops Turnining Yellow

    Is there anything I can do to help them? Besides raising my light. What will happen with the spots that have been bleached? Also with raising the light will it continue to spread?
  10. C

    Tops Turnining Yellow

    Until about the last week or 2 my plants were completely fine. I had spider mites and I used Pest Out by SaferGro to get rid of them(Now we raged biological war on them with predator mites.) :fire: Shortly after the application of the spider mite spray I noticed the yellowing in the leaves on...