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  1. M

    Some weird bud (pics)

    sorry if you get pissed about this but you plant is ugly!:finger:
  2. M

    the aero garden

    so i saw one of these today online with very healthy plants and its supposed to be very ez to work. iv bin growing for about a year now but only in organic soil. can i plant plants in the aero garden and then remove the top light and use a 400watt hps or 600 watt? would the roots just all...
  3. M

    Burned Leaves What To Do

    you should eat the plant
  4. M

    Its time

    well its bin a long 2 months and week and now its time to gunna be flowering 4 plants looking to harvest the maximum out of my plants.. whats a good light to do this with... like i said 4 plants in a small room prolly 2x4 ft room.. how many watt hps you think i should put in there...
  5. M

    reflective shit

    :bigjoint:alright so my little mommas are suffering from so low light i got a few new lights but i wanna put up some reflective stuff on the walls. i have no clue ware to get mylar or how much it is.. so what else can i use thats cheap and will work just about as good? holla back now
  6. M

    how does this look?

    UPDATE. now under 4 40watt floresent tubes. this enuf?? if not i can change or give me an idea of what to get to get better light..the purple on all my stems is some what going away from the low does of nutes. im going to give the a strong does of nutes next to fully boost them.. what else...
  7. M

    how does this look?

    well i got new bulbs and moved the lights 3 inches for the tops of the plants and next water im going to give them more nutes
  8. M

    how does this look?

    i have them under 2 40 watt floresants... there in organic roots soil. feeding them very low does of mother earths grow tea and my light cycle is 18/6... as for the strain i dont know what it is i know its some sort of chronic
  9. M

    how does this look?

    alright just some good chronic bagseed. started about a month ago showing sings of sex.. veg under 2 4ft floresents. gave plain water for the first 2 weeks then nutes never had a problem then this happend whats going on with this?
  10. M

    stunted growth..

    just a question... if you stunt a plants growth from nutes will the plant ever be able to flower? i think i stunted 1 of my plants.. its still growing but its small.. should i kill it or save it? and it seriusly stinks like some seriuse buds
  11. M

    veggin teh clonies

    how long should i let my clones veg for? i wanna get them on there way to the stinky green buds so i get can some sweet ganja green in my lungs.. DAMN IM STONED:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:
  12. M

    11 day old plant problem

    wow 3 in 1 pot?? that wasnt a good idea !
  13. M

    I dont know if my plant is dying !HELP!

    he has more brown spots now that i look at it... mine are not getting burned at all mine just have tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny white spots.
  14. M

    white powdery mildew problem

    can the mildew acculy kill ur plants tho? im having this problem on my plants and i want to get rid of it... are i use hydrogen peroxide for the forst few with in with my water... but just spraying it on the plants will get rid of the mildew?
  15. M

    I dont know if my plant is dying !HELP!

    i just started noticing those spots on my plants also... i belive it to be powder mold... not 100% sure but
  16. M


    got a few mothers growing right now but had a gunnna cut clones here in a while about 12 of them and put them in my hydro unit after a while.. im wondering what my yeild should be.. i am growing under a 400watt HPS 12/12... let me know whats good wit it
  17. M

    towelies first grow

    those CFL bulbs suck.. i hate to say it but every one that i know that uses them always has problems with them falling and stupid stuff happening... i would invest a little money into the lights becouse in the long run its going to pay off and ur eye balls will fall out you will be so stoned !!!!!!
  18. M


    that looks like a crispy plant... move the light a little up a little bit.. and hopefully she will recover... thats a bummer dude
  19. M

    curing odor question?

    im soooo damn stoned right now!