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  1. S

    MAINE: Best mixture to grow with?

    Hey fellas and lady fellas, I've posted a couple threads getting a few answers but not any that I'm satisfied with. I live up here in Maine and I only grow outdoor, (I'd like to grow indoor I just haven't gotten anything set up yet, or bought anything...) and I want to grow with a good mixture...
  2. S

    Maine Summer Grow 2014, What to use?

    Hey there, last summer I went down the wrong route and started way too late in the season, I was also in such a hurry I didn't pay attention to what I was using. I used MG Moisture Control soil and added a couple nitrogen sticks periodically throughout the summer. The results were long stringy...
  3. S

    What would you classify this bud as?

    Up here in Maine I'd say that would go for 40-45 for 3.5g. Looks pretty good to me. We have people that sell shit for 45 and others that sell straight chronic for 35... It's odd up here.
  4. S

    Soils, Foods, and De-Buggahs for Outside

    Everybody is going to call me something stupid for asking which soil to use; however, I just would like to know what soil people prefer to use? I have tried a few different soils and I have heard that Fox Farms is a great one to go with. I was also going to ask which plant food and bug killers...