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  1. Sara the Poet in my Heart

    Making Tea - is EZ.... & Cheap !

    Thanks for the you use the foliar spray?
  2. Sara the Poet in my Heart

    lets talk israel

    Makes me tired it will never end...
  3. Sara the Poet in my Heart

    FBI Can Listen To You Even When Your Phone is OFF!!!

    If they want to listen to a conversation I have with my 85 year old dad, then so be it. I think they gotta a little more on there plates than listening to people discuss the last joint they rolled...
  4. Sara the Poet in my Heart

    lets talk israel

    ...and was it not the pagan canaanites that originally inhabited the area, then as the Jews entered the area converting to Judaism. Also many Arabs are in fast Jewish...
  5. Sara the Poet in my Heart

    lets talk israel

    It just needs to be over , but it never will...
  6. Sara the Poet in my Heart

    lets talk israel

    Right on Brutal Truth. This is Israels homeland ,bottom line....and claimed by the Palastines after the fact. Now they are bad. Hope Israel kicks some Hamas butt...
  7. Sara the Poet in my Heart

    Can't get my runoff PH down! Help please or they will die!!!

    The 7 ph won't kill them ...all the flushing and adding low ph stuff will...They can grow just fine with a ph runoff of 7.0. Just get your ferts and h2o at about 5 and keep them there and quit flushing and drowning them...:sad:
  8. Sara the Poet in my Heart

    Making Tea - is EZ.... & Cheap !

    Any advantage of Tea? permalink Hey OHSOGREEN, So do you think there is any advantage to making your own tea as opposed to just using the pre-made organic Grow It Green and Flower Power in conjunction with the Super Plant Tonic made by Blue Mountain Organics. (I must...
  9. Sara the Poet in my Heart

    Molasses & Fox Farm ???

    Hey OHSOGREEN, So do you think there is any advantage to making your own tea as opposed to just using the pre-made organic Grow It Green and Flower Power in conjunction with the Super Plant Tonic made by Blue Mountain Organics. (I must add that these are fantastic products available at a can't...
  10. Sara the Poet in my Heart

    Let's debate! 24/7 or 18/6 for VEG?

    Good friend of mine does 20/4. They grew very quickly and when he switched to flowering 12/12 all 11 plants were flowering and showed sex identity within the week. He got 6 females, 4 males and one went Hermie down the road.;-)
  11. Sara the Poet in my Heart

    how important is pitchblack darkness

    Well I do not know a ton about growing, but if you go out to the country and compare a night without moonlight to a night with moonlight there is a huge difference. You can see across a field and navigate quite well on a moonlit night. Where as when the moon isn't shining you can't take a step...
  12. Sara the Poet in my Heart

    First Grow 10 plants!

    I think you might be planting the root up and the top down...That will cause the root togrow all over the place, be confused, yet the sprout will never grow up as it is facing downwards...
  13. Sara the Poet in my Heart

    An obama panic? Markets fear his policies

    Yeppers.....Obama winning is good for the Republicans...Now that there will be a "Super Democrat Majority" along with a Dem Pres, there will be no one to blame for the failure of this country but the Dems....pretty smart of the Republicans if you ask Blame Bush now and Blame Obama 4...
  14. Sara the Poet in my Heart

    Hello All

    Thank you and Hello to you!!!
  15. Sara the Poet in my Heart

    Hello All

    Just a quick hello!!!!