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    Taking down the Tobacco Companies!!!

    Yeah, i understand is refereed to as a smoker's personality. The idea is a smoker will only be satisfied by the taste, smell, and effect of their brand, my mom (reformed smoker) would drive to 3 different gas stations looking for her brand...she would never settle. So there would be...
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    Poll for ALL Presidential candidates 2012

    that women will get 1%, proving that 1% of Americans are retarded, but able to vote.....
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    Anyone Want To Play COD: MW2 On Xbox Live Tonight?

    sorry rocking the 360.....
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    Probably to determine sex....
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    help needed with breeding pics inside

    I started my male and female flowering the same day...i left the male in until i noticed two pods were first i thought that it wasn't enough, post harvest i found i was wrong...tons of seeds...
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    Taking down the Tobacco Companies!!!

    right...still something to think about
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    Whats with all the Subway logos on the site?

    On a side note about subway....i worked at a new york style deli, our biggest competition was subway. after doing some research we found the reason Subway is soooooo healthy is because their meats use a seaweed filler....the ratio is like 40% meat to 60% seaweed. As far as the avatar goes...i...
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    How much does a dime weigh in your city?

    a dime is a gram here $10 for swag $15-$20 for medi-grade
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    Linux Ussers Speak Up...Time to teach an old dog new tricks

    So i got this old Vaio laptop that fried the HDD, originally it came with Vista (WORST OPERATING SYSTEM EVER!!!!) and i downgraded to XP, well the HDD fried again (both WD Scorpions) now i have upgradded to a 320gig sea gate and am in the market for an operating system...I was going to use XP...
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    The Almighty Blotter Debate

    This is in my top 5 for let go bash some skin heads!!!!!
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    90- DEAD"Dude dressed up like a police officer rounded up a youth camp and shot dead

    Here is a copy of his FB page before they removed it...(torrent to PDF)
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    Have weed prices went up?

    i can still get swag for $100 an no change IMO
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    Car Talk

    V'DUB till I DIE....Germany Makes CARs!?!?!!!
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    Deleted due to my stupidity !

    I doubt it...most are off shore to avoid DEA interaction
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    90- DEAD"Dude dressed up like a police officer rounded up a youth camp and shot dead

    Sick FUCK......his ideals did not require the death of innocent people
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    i can watch this over and over right now lol

    Always a good choice...
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    MMCP Age Requirements

    eh' I have heard of parents using MMJ on children with Autism (as young as 6 with great results), i say if the parents see the benefit, then what is the issue, i mean it is SAFER than aspirin. I think if you get a doctor to sign off then your right as rain (at leaste as far as the state is...
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    use these contacts!!

    Dude, JC had been here a lot longer than you and is respected as such...I would try and make a few friends before drawing a line in the sand...i doubt you would like the results.
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    Kick back n learn facts- Words of wisdom from Vancover and around the world.

    Dude, when you make it to D-town or Pontiac hit me to come out and show some support