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  1. greenisgood13

    adding sand to drainless soil

    ahh good advice, I will get some sand at the fish store and rinse it and mix 50 to 50, thanks
  2. greenisgood13

    adding sand to drainless soil

    I put semi germinated seeds into 3 gallon pots yesterday with soil that took 10 minutes to drain the water and looks very heavy. It has no perlite and I cannot get any where I live. Can I add sand? I can get some at the fish store, is this good enough for drainage? Its the best I can do but...
  3. greenisgood13

    clumpy soil with little perlite

    I cannot get anything in my area. I tried to order ff ocean forest but the cost for shipping a 1.5 cubic feet bag is $200 so I declined. Honestly all the fancy grow ingredients seem to be so easy to get in the West, but I can't get any of it here. I am trapped in a weedless world trying to grow...
  4. greenisgood13

    clumpy soil with little perlite

    haha ummm if only I could get those things. I live in a Country that has nothing but shit soil maybe to keep the citizens from growing this. How to go about using the lime, where to get it?
  5. greenisgood13

    clumpy soil with little perlite

    Planted 3 seeds in clumpy, hardly no perilite soil bought locally to my area (no choice since I am living somewhere that has nothing better). There is humus, very little fert in it which is good, turf, nitrogen, phosphorus. It is rather heavy. I am planting 3 more tomorrow in the same soil but...
  6. greenisgood13

    planting 2 seeds in 1 3 gallon pot mistake?

    I have an air conditioned fan dehumidifier on and a fan and it still says this. I took a pic for u to see. I am waiting for another one in the mail soon. In my apartment which is separate from the grow room it is air conditioned and the temps are half the reading. Even when I put the dial in...
  7. greenisgood13

    planting 2 seeds in 1 3 gallon pot mistake?

    Yeah I looked but could not find the first one so I guess it is what it is now. I can't disturb her again. It's bad enough the humidity levels are 50 Celsius and temps 60 Celsius even with a dehumidifier and a fan. I am starting to think the dial is broken to say it is so high. How can these...
  8. greenisgood13

    planting 2 seeds in 1 3 gallon pot mistake?

    planting 2 seeds in 1 3 gallon pot because after realizing i buried the first seed to deep under the soil i dug it out looking for it to fix it but could not found it so I decided to put another seeds 1/4 inch under the soil. Will they both grow and ruin the outcome now by having 2 roots? What...
  9. greenisgood13

    Growing Casey Jones

    Growing 2 Casey Jones seeds in 3 gallon pots because the space is only 2 feet wide but quite high. I can't get any scrog wire so I am worried it will grow to erratic. I hear it grows in a way that may warrant a 5 gallon pot but I am also growing it with 2 c99's and 2 laughing buddhas. My...
  10. greenisgood13

    light distance

    I will put 4 seeds after germination into 4 3 gallon pots right away with no transplanting at all. I will put it under a 400 MH light for 1 Month then under a 400 HPS light for 2 Months to finish. My soil is just so so but I have FF tiger bloom and grow big. My questions are how far apart...
  11. greenisgood13

    Enough light for 6 plants

    Oh thank you for the clear response, I feel more confident now, cheers
  12. greenisgood13

    Enough light for 6 plants

    Hey guys, do you know if 400mh light combined with 400 hps is sufficient for 6 plants for veg and flowering? I want to immedietlly put the seeds after sprouting into 3 gallon pots with 400 mh and 400 hps for veg 1 month then flowering 2 months, 6 plants, 800 watts. Thoughts? Width is 2 feet...
  13. greenisgood13

    Light To Plant Ratio Question

    haha I got it from a friend 3-4 years ago, just a small amount and have never forgotten the state I was brought to. It was a good week. It will be special to grow it for sure. I feel like it got the name Princess or Cinderella because of how delicate its beauty is when you hold the bud. I...
  14. greenisgood13

    Light To Plant Ratio Question

    I ordered Female seeds, so that shouldn't be an issue. I can't get smart or air pots as I thought so I will use the best draining typical pot I can find where I live and 30-40% perlite with some local soil. I wanted ocean forest but cannot make that happen. What do you suggest when buying local...
  15. greenisgood13

    Light To Plant Ratio Question

    Thanks, very interesting and nice pic. So are you saying there are no signs the plant gives to when it is time to flower? Do we play the role of sign creator here? 400 mh veg and 600 hps flower is my situation. Given this and my space what do you suggest as far as how many plants, I must use 3...
  16. greenisgood13

    Light To Plant Ratio Question

    Thanks Seattlegrownewb, I was thinking 3 gallon is better in my space. I would rather not veg for more then a month and then flower for 2 months, I am quite eager to smoke this stuff, it's been 2 years since I have had my medicine and feeling worn out. My test if whether I would be okay without...
  17. greenisgood13

    Light To Plant Ratio Question

    Where do i buy scrog from? What is it called if I go on amazon? When you say "do 4 plants with the 600", do you mean the 600mh or hps? Isn't veg dependent on when there are 9 intersecting nodes on the plant to indicate it is ready to flower? how can time be a part of this decision to stay in veg...
  18. greenisgood13

    Light To Plant Ratio Question

    Yeah I have never understood what 12/12 from seed means since I am new. My understanding is after the seed germinates you place it in a 1 gallon pot and that is the beginning of Veg, right? I will do 18/6 the moment I place it into the 1 gallon right after it germinates using the 400mh for 4...
  19. greenisgood13

    WaterFarm Club

    haha sorry wrong section, keep the goodness comin
  20. greenisgood13

    Light To Plant Ratio Question

    Thanks dude, can you recommend a good light rail to use with a 400 mh and 600hps? Can you tell me your opinion if 4 plants in this space in 3 gallon pots as you recommend with a light rail with just the 400 and 600 light will bring good results? Do you agree 100 watts per plant is adequate?