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  1. D

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Thanks mate!! I thought they were pvc. Found what I need straight up.. Stoked stink bud system here we go!!
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey Stinkbud Love your work mate!! Just a quick question to you or anyone else that cares enough to answer. What are the dimensions of the square pvc pipes you are using and have you heard of anyone in Australia being able to get these. I've looked every where thinking of using round plumbers...
  3. D

    First time grower. Plant problem. Help appreciated

    Using Dutch Fest Nutes. Used about 15ml of A & B in a 10 litre watering jug
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    First time grower. Plant problem. Help appreciated

    Thanks a lot mate. The new growth looks ok. I went away for a couple of days and came back to the discoloured leaves but the tips have always been a bit darker in colour.
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    First time grower. Plant problem. Help appreciated

    In veg stage. I had a ph problem to start as it was high but rectified when started testing, the water has been 6.2 for a few weeks. Growing in soil under a 250w metal halide. I have used minimal nutrients Dutch feat brand. Any help would be greatly appreciated.