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  1. R

    first time grower

    wow. i didn't realise this. Nice info dude. I'm currently on my first grow, gonna start flowering soon, so i'll remember this for when they're ready. Thanks man:weed:
  2. R

    first time grower

    wow, I didn't realise this. Nice info dude. I'm doin my first grow, just started flowering. So i will remember this for when they're ready. Thanks man
  3. R

    What does everyone think of my babies?

    cool thanks guys. Yeah I'm very greatfull to my friend, he just ran out of space.... don't think his missus was to happy either though lol gonna be getting a hps light next week when I get paid. Do ya reckon I should wait till then to start the 12/12 or start them flowering now under the cfl?
  4. R

    What does everyone think of my babies?

    bump bump bump
  5. R

    What does everyone think of my babies?

    oh.... almost forgot, apparently, my buddy reckons that one of the cheese plants may be a male. So my other question is; apart from the obvious signs during the flowering stages (i.e balls or no-balls) are there any other distinguishable features between males and females that show at this...
  6. R

    What does everyone think of my babies?

    Hi guys, firstly I must say what a quality site this is, everyone seems so friendly and knowledgable. Happy days indeed. Ok then.... This is my first proper grow. With proper equipment (I had a bash before but used the wrong light and unfortunately cooked em to death). I've been lucky enough...
  7. R

    Help me please!!!!!

    Thanks for your help dude, I'll keep you all posted on the progress.
  8. R

    Help me please!!!!!

    Ah cool, thanks guys, much appreciated. So they're not beyond repair then?
  9. R

    Help me please!!!!!

    Thanks Robert, i thought it might be. just wanted to make sure. Hopefully the new light will give better results. As for the containers.... Well, like I say I got em off my buddy, and these are the ones he gave me. I'm an absolute noobie unfortunately, and I'm afraid he's not much better...
  10. R

    Help me please!!!!!

    Does anybody know if this carnage is due to nutrient deficiencies or overheating or is it something else entirely? Any help at all would be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  11. R

    Help me please!!!!!

    Here are some more pics
  12. R

    Help me please!!!!!

    Hi Guys I'm a first time grower, long time appreciator. And any help you knowledgable folk can offer would be awesome. OK then, the plants are clones of a pretty good bubblegum, they were cloned by a buddy who started them in rockwool cubes. I then transplanted them into soil, under what i...