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    How many days to the harvest?

    Hi guys, her's a picture of my Northern Light #5 X Haze in your opinion how many days should i wait to harvest? Thanks!
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    12/24 from the first day

    Yeah 12/12, sorry!
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    12/24 from the first day

    I have five Northern Light #5 X Haze, from seeds. They are in 12/24 from the first day. Sensi Seeds says the flowering time is about 75 days. So should they be ready in just 75 days, or will it take more? Thanks! :-P
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    Strange leaves...

    The soil is the "Canna Bio", and I only gave them a organic fertilizer 3 times (in total 2.1 ml for all the 5 plants). However the first symptons began before i use the fertilizer the first time. I think this could be the answer... but what do you you think i should do? kill her ( :-( ) or let...
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    Strange leaves...

    Anybody has any suggestion?
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    Strange leaves...

    Hi everybody! I have 5 plants of Sensi Seed's Northern #5 X Haze. 4 of them seem to be in health, but one has strange leaves… Look at these photos, you should see which one is strange! :?: What do you think is the problem? Should i remove her to left room for the other ones...
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    Sensi Seeds' Northern Lights #5 X Haze - Vegetative time

    I don't want to make one mother and clones, i just don't have time ('cause i wanna harvest before the half of December). And i'm not an expert in cutting (never did it!)... So i think the best thing to do is starting with 12/12, or maybe let only 4-5 days of vegetative and then flowering. Or i...
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    Sensi Seeds' Northern Lights #5 X Haze - Vegetative time

    It's not the same kind of seeds... Have anybody had experiences with the Northern Light?
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    Sensi Seeds' Northern Lights #5 X Haze - Vegetative time

    I have a 2 metres growbox... do you think 1 or 2 weeks of vegetative can be the right choice?
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    Sensi Seeds' Northern Lights #5 X Haze - Vegetative time

    I bought these seeds : In the description we can read: and they say the flowering period is 65-75 days. Please can you suggest me how many days of vegetation are needed for this kind of plants? Thanks! ;-)