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  1. B

    Hawaiian Skunk Haze?? Herbies?

    I also got the freebie seeds from Herbies HSH and strawberry-blue so I might just sit back and see how you lads go I'm fairly new to it all so the information gathered here will be a big help.
  2. B

    New buds or hermie

    thanks dadio I just went and got a magnifier to double check looks good resin starting to build in the buds
  3. B

    New buds or hermie

    that's as close as the camera will focus are the whiter areas new bud?
  4. B

    New buds or hermie

    Hey everyone can anyone tell me if this is a hermie or new bud growth I got the seed from a friend its bagseed so not sure what strain it is.Its under a 600w hps and has been flowering for 20 days any help would be awesome.Its only on the main cola if it is pollen sacks can I pluck them out.