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  1. Nightbreed

    Problems blooming

    Since my last post, my plants have done a 180. They got theyre color back, the root are white as Puff Daddy's big ass front teeth... The problem was (as most of you said) they were not gettin enough nutes. I kept them at the same ratio the whole time......What a dumbass... LMAO!!! I have them...
  2. Nightbreed

    Temperature Too Hot.

    I was always told that if the light is too hot for your space, you should use a cool tube. Im using a 1000 w HP with a cool tube in a small closet and the temp is fine. Just need to have ventilation for the fan attached to your tube.
  3. Nightbreed

    Problems blooming

    Thanks for your patience....
  4. Nightbreed

    Problems blooming

    Yes I do have a fan blowing on the plants on low speed. And the light is pretty much the same for both. Could it be a temperature thing?
  5. Nightbreed

    Problems blooming

    Okay... Here it goes... Some history. I just had a problem about a week and a half ago with my plants....They were under a floresent light for a really long time... They were under that light for so long because I was waiting on my 1000 watt light... I ordered it kinda late as it was. As a...
  6. Nightbreed

    Problems blooming

    I think youre right, there was not as many bubbles as the other kit.... I cleaned out the tubes and that seem to do it....Theres still not as many bubbles as the other but....A lot more than there was before. Respect
  7. Nightbreed

    Problems blooming

    Correction....... Stems are turning redish... I had to go and take a second look...Not good!
  8. Nightbreed

    Problems blooming

    Yeap stems are green..... I'm thinkin it might be a magnesium ( I probably spelled that problem... At least thats what my friend told me... He never really told me why.... He just said magnesium... I don't know. Could someone shed some light on this for me.
  9. Nightbreed

    Problems blooming

    No pics yet.... But I will have em within the next couple days for sure.
  10. Nightbreed

    Problems blooming

    Thanks for the advice guys. So with time factor working against me I have some.... Big Problems!!!! I'm growing with two bubble kits for my first grow... I find that its nice and all that but I seem to be having some problems with two of my plants. I have two 15 gallon containers...
  11. Nightbreed

    When to flower?

    Post a link to youre site when youre book hits the shelves.... I want a copy!
  12. Nightbreed

    Too Much Or Too Little Nutrients??

    firsthydro Whats up dro? Im in the same exact boat as you. New at growing and all. I'm working with a bubble kit just like yours. I was hoping we could exchange tips, pictures or whatever. You know help each other out if possible. peace
  13. Nightbreed

    Problems blooming

    Whats up everyone..... I'm a new member..... New to growing for the most part... I'm growing hydro under a 1000 watt light in a closet... I have a cool tube to deal with the heat. I'm just about ready to bloom. The problem is that I am nervous that I will hurt my plants because of my lack my of...
  14. Nightbreed

    Welcome New Members!

    Whats up everyone..... I'm a new member..... New to growing for the most part... I'm growing hydro under a 1000 watt light in a closet... I have a cool tube to deal with the heat. I'm just about ready to bloom. The problem is that I am nervous that I will kill my plants because of my lack my of...