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  1. P

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    how do you do a micro sex? Cover 1 arm in a black trash bag?
  2. P

    Dry ice in hydro

    I do see your point. In humans co2 is an oxygen inhibitor so i guess it would deplete oxygen in the air if the mist was full of co2 causing the roots to suffocate. Ive been playing with the idea of taking my old Mini Fridge *got a new one for xmas* and removing the frezing coil from the freezer...
  3. P

    going from veg to flowering

    I use BC grow / Bloom / Boost and you are supposed to use Grow and Boost to veg then change to Bloom and Boost to flower. Read the container carefully for any instructions on how to use it. As for the heighth of plants my general rule of thumb is veg them until they are roughly 1/3 the size you...
  4. P

    Dry ice in hydro

    Has anyone ever experimented with using Dry Ice *compressed co2 gas* in their reservior? I live in a fairly hot area and have trouble keeping my water temps stable. I use sterilized icepacks for coolers as well as modified frozen water bottles every few hours to keep my temps under control. If I...
  5. P

    Hydro/Aero Fem Hawaiian Snow

    All I need to know is if its normal for plants grown from fem seeds to produce buds full of seeds?
  6. P

    Root ROT in ebb n FLOW

    If youre talking about Floralicious Plus ive used it before. Its kelp base makes it very inky and can stain roots. The biggest thing with Pythium that I look for, or smell for rather, is the soil smell. If your roots smell like dirt and they are sitting in water, youve got the start of a...
  7. P

    Hydro/Aero Fem Hawaiian Snow

    sry for multiple posts but id like to correct my Many buds statement to The Smaller buds near the bottoms of branches. All the tops I can get to dont show any seeds.
  8. P

    Hydro/Aero Fem Hawaiian Snow

    Well no one has replied but theres been views so I guess no one has ever dealth with Hawaiian Snow? Got the beans from drchronic seeds and have them in week 7 of flowering but many of the buds have fully developed seeds in them. Is this normal with a feminized strain or are my plants fucking up?
  9. P

    Hydro/Aero Fem Hawaiian Snow

    I have 2 big Hawaiian snow Females that are in week 7 of 12/12 that came from Feminized seeds. There are, on select buds all over the plants, actual seed sacs with seeds in them. I found them when I snipped off a lower dying bud that was off of a snapped branch and popped seeds out of it. Ive...