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  1. E

    Leaves are crusty and turning yellow

    Don't over react to that man...I pay more attention to the newest growth for signs of deficiencies...Those leaves are your first flan blades and will probably fall off on their own in the next few weeks. You're good man!
  2. E

    How to start growing with Aerogarden

    Like I said, I've been growing with the AG for a while. So yes, I've made a few improvements here and there. But as for the AG itself, I've only added an air pump that has some good output (but could be better), and 3 airstones. I wouldn't call that "highly" modified. My biggest expense was...
  3. E

    How to start growing with Aerogarden

    Yes, you are ignorant for posting this to someone asking for help. You don't come on the "Aerogardeners" thread, bashing the unit. Sure give your opinions, but in a respectful manner. I believe the Aerogarden is a good beginners tool. It's a good way to learn basic hydoponics. You have to...
  4. E

    AeroFlo 30 - Pump please!!

    the pump in the AG sucks. Don't buy another. You couldn't install it right now anyways, sounds like the roots are too thick. Add air stones and turn into DWC. I took the pump out altogether after the 1st grow, it's useless. Get a good airpump and you're good for a long time. The more air...
  5. E

    how many plants in your aero

    That is sort of true. Your light is really the only thing that matters with respect to yield. I think I would get the same yield from 1 plant as 2 with my light, but the Veg period would be longer than the Veg period with 2 plants. Auto-flowers are different though. They yield so much per...
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    How to start growing with Aerogarden

    Cues doesn't know what he's talking about. I've been growing Scrog with the AG for over 3 years now. The resevoir can handle 2 plants fully grown. I would recommend growing Scrog though. Ignorant people like that should not even post in the "Aerogardeners" section.
  7. E

    How to start growing with Aerogarden

    Throw the nutrients that came with the AG in the trash. Buy some hydroponic nutes. I started out with the "recipe for success" by Technaflora. I'm now using General Hydo nutes and like them a lot. I get a lot less salt build up...but on that note, use 1/2 strength nutes of whatever you...
  8. E

    270W SCROG Hashberry Cabinet

    Thanks Bigzbudz! No it's a 250 watt switchable ballast. I flower under a 270 watt agro HPS bulb. I believe 30watts of the 270 gives out the blue spectrum. I veg with a 250W MH. The only time the cab runs a little too hot is in the summer, where it can get up to about 102-105. This is...
  9. E

    Just orderd an Aerogarden 3

    My tips....1. You can't give too much air to the roots 2. Start out using 1/2 strength nutes until you get the right recipe you want 3. More light will pay for itself with your first batch Good luck
  10. E

    270W SCROG Hashberry Cabinet

    @anaestetized I know exactly what you're saying about the Hashberry seeming like it melts in the bong. I love the smell and it really does taste a little like berries with a heel of a kick. This plant is a little bushier than most would want to use for SCROG, but I use all the popcorn nugs on...
  11. E

    270W SCROG Hashberry Cabinet

    I had some trouble getting good pics bc my camera is a bit dated. But enjoy! Let me know what ya'll think! PS- I only see like 3 threads that actually use an Aerogarden. Shouldn't most of these be in the general Hydroponic forum? It clearly says "Aerogardeners"; does it not?
  12. E

    roots need oxygen right?...

    I get your theory here, but I don't think it's possible to suck air through an air stone that is sitting in water. You don't want to grow your roots in stagnate water.
  13. E

    roots need oxygen right?...

    I think you may be over-thinking this whole thing. You can never give the roots TOO much Oxygen. The more the better. You've got a pretty big setup there, but you definitely don't want to suck the air out...
  14. E

    270W SCROG Hashberry Cabinet

    It's been a while since I've been on here. I've been pretty busy, but not too busy for my girls. I made this cab about 2 years ago. I've pretty much got my cabinet down to a science. I'm so happy with this setup that I thought I should post back on the site that gave me all the ideas that...
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    250W SOG White Widow Grow

    UPDATE....9 weeks...64 days flowering. I'm trying to stay patient
  16. E

    250W SOG White Widow Grow

    day 61 flowering...Some trichs are really milky, the others clear. I just started flushing yesterday, so it'll be at least sunday before harvest. I can really notice them fattening everyday now. I wonder how much bulk it's adding per day.
  17. E

    Order from Grasscity?

    I bought the molino mad scientist from grasscity. no problems
  18. E

    250W SOG White Widow Grow

    8 weeks....56 days flowering I gave last nutrient solution sunday. Start flushing Saturday. Been paying attention to trichs under 60x. Should harvest late next week.
  19. E

    Another AG attempt, 3rd times a charm i hope!

    I use the rockwool starter cylinder shape things. I cut them in half lengthwise and they are perfect. I've also never germinated using towel method or anything else. As long as you place the seed correctly so that the tap root grows down and the grow medium stays plenty moist, thats all you...
  20. E

    First Grow AeroGarden advice plz

    Don't use any nutes till they look big enough to handle it....And especially with that technaflora nutes, I'd go half strength on the nutes the whole way through. You'd rather deal with nutrient deficency than nutrient burn or toxic salt build-up. Thats my advice from a few mistakes, You learn...