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  1. G

    All hairs, no bud?!

    You said you found seeds. Maybe it was seeded so early in flower that it didn't feel the need to produce additional calyxes and just focused its energy on seed maturation. And like colonnugs said high heat can definitely play a role. I have a sleestack skunk that's exhibiting stunted calyx...
  2. G

    Funky bud formation. Possible Causes

    Hey no worries. I'm running 4 enclosed hoods on older hortilux bulbs. This is my first run I will certainly let you know in several weeks time. I hope to see improvement with new bulbs. cheesequke on left. sleeskunk on right
  3. G

    Funky bud formation. Possible Causes

    even though im running co2 would it be wise to drop my temps evenlower say max of 80 or even less for the last 3-4 weeks?
  4. G

    Funky bud formation. Possible Causes

    Great thanks for the swift replies. I have been keeping temperatures higher than normal due to the fact I'm using CO2 however Im inexperienced with CO2 so chances are I'm just trying to get too much out of it by keeping my temps on the high side. Ive heard conflicting reports on how high to run...
  5. G

    Funky bud formation. Possible Causes

    Hello I'm interested in what everyone thinks might be causing some of the strange bud development I've been witnessing. I am growing under 400w hps lights with older hortilux bulbs. I have a sealed room that stays around 1200 ppm. I'm using a CHH4 sentinel controller. I have been keeping my...