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  1. N

    Co2 hookup

    valve in the mail. Awesome, right? I procede to set up tubing around the rim of my hps light so the co2 would shower down on my plants when the timer is on. When the co2 is on, the vents are off. I used an exacto knife and just cut slits in my tubing where I want it took leak. One problem I...
  2. N


    the growzilla. I just got one and will be starting a journal of it and i figured no better place then with others that use the same hood. Anyone with pics of what she can do please post it up. I will be keeping eveyone up to date as son as i get up and running!
  3. N

    Meet Luci...

    share some new pics. with everyone. They are not the best, but as you can see Luci is coming along:roll: The bud seems to be growing very close to the main stem.