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  1. GreenViking

    cherrybomb auto no sex!

    Pictures are generally the best way to get a diagnosis.
  2. GreenViking

    250W DWC, Berry Bomb SCROG - 1st Grow

    Subbed! Babies are lookin good, and I really like how you're describing what you're doing as you go. Looking forward to watching your girls grow!
  3. GreenViking

    First grow! Total beginner Journal!

    The humidity is definitely going to have to be addressed. Things you can do as a duct-tape fix while you get the humidifier situation worked out: spray the inside of the box walls down with water and keep an eye on the humidity. With a little trial and error you might be able to figure out...
  4. GreenViking

    Is she ready ?

    At least 4 bong rips high.
  5. GreenViking

    First grow! Total beginner Journal!

    The humidity is pretty low. I would trying putting a dish of water in there and see if you can get it up in the 50s. You might have to cut down your exhaust fan to keep enough moisture in the box. I'm not a huge fan of the hanging wet cloth method as I've had fungus/mold problems spring from...
  6. GreenViking

    Could uses some help with my first grow... I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

    I can't tell from the pictures, but is the base of that box clear? Your roots really need to be in the dark if they aren't. Anyway, your plants look like they are nute burned. Flush with fresh water.
  7. GreenViking

    First grow! Total beginner Journal!

    A humidity meter is key! Also, those photos are looking very wet (probably taken after you corrected what was assumed to be dryness). If things stay too wet, your plants might start damping off (I lost count of how many of my early pepper crops I killed that way years ago). Just be mindful of...
  8. GreenViking

    What do you think of this plan?

    Nice! Sub'd and looking forward to watching the journey.
  9. GreenViking

    Herbies through Chicago

    Take a deep breath and read up on the law. Marijuana seeds are not illegal. They CAN'T bust you for buying seeds. It seems that they are simply confiscating what they find. The more paranoid currents in me think about what I would do if I were trying to bust pot growers. I'd find the seeds...
  10. GreenViking

    Just got busted in Indiana

    Lol I'd give a pinky to find out what happened!!! What about a PO Box and a PrePaid CC? Seems like a relatively safe way to order seeds...
  11. GreenViking

    First grow! Total beginner Journal!

    What's the temp in there? I know when the ridges of the leaves start pulling up like that it can mean that the plant is basically trying to sweat/respire to cool down.
  12. GreenViking

    purple urkle and gsc grow

    Keep us posted, your last journey was riveting and educating! We want in for this ride, too!
  13. GreenViking

    What do you think of this plan?

    Haha, right on! Keep me posted!
  14. GreenViking

    Is it safe to smoke roadside marijuana leaves?

    Assuming this isn't an epic troll (and even if it is I'll bite because, well played), you should know that smoking leaf isn't going to get you anything. The THC is found in the buds of (ideally unpollenated) female plant. If you look around on these forums enough, you will become well familiar...
  15. GreenViking

    What do you think of this plan?

    I was thinking about that. The extra 2 square feet I can probably manage to spare. A lot of the flood trays I am seeing are 3 x 3, so a 4 x 4 tent is probably called for. Plus I've gotta have room in there for an oscillating fan. Thanks for the input!
  16. GreenViking

    What do you think of this plan?

    If you've got a link to a grow journal, drop it on me! If not, keep me posted! Seeing your robust growth and knowing your situation, you've kinda alleviated my concerns about lighting!
  17. GreenViking

    What do you think of this plan?

    Oh man, she's beautiful!!! What square footage are you using that 300W in? Are you supplementing with any other light? Are you using a "switchable" LED or one that puts out the full spectrum all the time?
  18. GreenViking

    What do you think of this plan?

    Forgot to mention that I plan on supplementing the LEDs with CFLs.
  19. GreenViking

    one month old plant flowering! Please help need advice!

    Looks like a really healthy plant!!! What strain is that (or is it bag seed)? (edit nvmd, see it was bag seed) I'd give it another 3-5 weeks provided you have some vertical space left for her to go.
  20. GreenViking

    What do you think of this plan?

    Hello there! Long time listener, first time caller! In all seriousness, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank the RIU community for part of what little education I already have. I plan on growing some pot. I have been a hobby hydro-ist. I've never grown bud, but I've grown a lot of...