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  1. S


    You have God...
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    Religion Poisons Everything

    It sounds like you have a lot of hate in you. As in the other thread I have said what I needed to say. I guess I will let "reality" hit me on the way out.
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    Religion Poisons Everything

    I don't belong to any religion.
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    Religion Poisons Everything

    God would never force anyone to choose Him. He wants you to choose Him because you love Him and you want only Him. If you have God, you have everything. One would choose to love God because they realize that He is everlasting happiness. No material possessions or relationships will bring you...
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    Humans are more detrimental to nature than nuclear meltdown.

    I believe they planted marijuana there to help absorb the radiation. How cool is pot!
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    Religion Poisons Everything

    Regardless of what people may believe everyone on this earth is apart of God, whether you realize it or not. The thing is realization. It has to come from within yourself. It does not come from reading scriptures or going to church.
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    Religion Poisons Everything

    Who are my people? God gave us free will. It is our choice to do good or to do bad. How would God make us better? People are very smart and capable of wonderful things. We are here to learn. People need to learn to receive for the desire to share. God is all loving and all giving. We were put...
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    Religion Poisons Everything

    God did not create the suffering that occurs on earth. We did. Selfishness born from ignorance.
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    Evolution Or God?

    God exists....
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    I can't believe the disinformation in this article!!!

    I'm so tired of people thinking that pot is bad. It's just a plant, just like a maple tree. People like maple trees, why can't they like pot? Oh right because they are ignorant. This explains why they think it costs $2400 for an oz. Gold isn't even that much. Like get real people!
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    God is surely not an ego trip. There was nothing to answer in the alien scenario. Regardless of what I say no one here is going to believe me. So I'm actually done posting. I've told you the truth. God is real. You choose not to believe me, you choose your own path not me. Have a wonderful night.
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    You are all fools.
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    It's not bullshit. God is in YOU! You just don't want to look for it. God is a realization.
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    atheists prove to me that the universe wasn't created by God. Please tell me where all of the energy that makes up everything comes from. I know that it didn't come from nothing. Go and prove it to me with science. Although I think you will be disappointed when you find out the TRUTH.
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    I worship my Father in heaven. The Almighty Creator of the universe. The source of all energy and everything that exists. There is God and there is nothing.
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    My atheist friends I have wonderful news! God is real! The proof is in you!
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    CrackerJax you are missing the point. There is only one God. The God that created the universe.
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    Aliens need God too :)
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    I love God and God loves all of you!
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    I want to harvest

    Yes, cut her down! I can never wait until they are "ready" It's just too exciting.