just checked all my little guys yesterday and they are still all living at this point in time. I'd say at this point they are no less than half an inch and no taller than an inch and a half. Going to start another 20 or so plants this weekend just for shits and giggles.
So the other day i just started my very first grow outdoors. I constructed sort of a mini greenhouse to put a bunch of pots in, because i did not have the pleasure or funds to start them indoors and after germinating some bag seeds for about a week i popped those suckers in about 20-30 seeds in...
so i see those roor bongs and shit like with all those precoolers, ash-catchers and all that shit. i have never used one but does it really make that much of a difference. all it seems to me is like it would make it cooler and a smoother smoke. but come one guys does the smoke bother you that...
they have a great deal in skateboarding i think they might be in conjunction with the KAYO corp. which makes DGK, gold wheels, expedition, and organika skateboarding.
so you are a little farther north than i am. i'm in central maine area, kennebec county. maybe you could hook me up with some of your friends who are growing indoors so i can get some freshies. my family has a few hundred acres that i could grow on so i'm hoping to put in plenty of plants.
if it will help my yield i won't be lazy all plants won't be more than a half mile from my house so it will be completely fine. will i yield about a QP evey plant?
okay so this summer will be my first time growing outdoors not to mention at all. i have been doing plenty of research and i am convinced i can have a successful grow once the weather warms up here in maine. so for nutrients i have two miracle grow products, i know that these are usually not...
i do live in maine have all my life. i haven't had a grow yet starting this spring but i have researched a ton on outdoor growing. If you know anything about corn it goes in about the same time as that, which is in may sometime. what part of maine do you live in?
made a pipe out of a 20 oz bottle and a straw and didn't have foil but had a condom, took the condom out of the wrapper wiped all the lube off and then used the wrapper as the bowl. fucking retarded idea but we were desperate
alright i think i can beat most of your craziest places although mine was more stupid then crazy. in high school every second period i had study hall so i would skip and go into my friends van for 80 minutes and smoke a doob or two and some butts. and i did this at a football game at the high...
i saw that. it was very informative and such, but kind of cheesy as i suspected considering it wasn't written or produced by stoners =) they did a good job though