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  1. N

    temp problems

    Bring cold air in and push hot air out brosky
  2. N

    Making Edibles out of about 0.3-0.5 hashish

    You would get higher more times if you just hit some in a pipe. Why waste it all on a nap from eating it.
  3. N

    Bitchy Wife...

    The way you all speak about woman is frankly disgusting. But i'm sure you learned it in the backwoods of hick county from jimbob.
  4. N

    How to not get Caught! (AKA: Stealth Smoking)

    Beware that bathroom trick does not work lol. I used to do that when I was younger and finally my mom was like "hey stop smoking weed in the house, go outside." lol
  5. N

    How to not get Caught! (AKA: Stealth Smoking)

    You are forgetting something. Take a look at your tongue in the mirror when you are finished smoking. It will be green.
  6. N

    Badk ief?

    Did you get this kief from the street or a dispensary. If its from the street sounds like you got some onion powder.
  7. N

    4:30 in the morning and my pain is a 10

    Like seriously if you have that much pain do what my drug addicted aunt did. She has a morphine patch on her body that time releases morphine into her. She is so wasted all the time its annoying to even be around her.
  8. N

    Nirvana Seeds + Bag seed. Second attempt at growing.

    What is your plan for smell?
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    Smart or Stupid

    I know many people who have joined the military.... A good percentage joined for the benefits and lifetime insurance. It's only 4 years minimum.
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    Fuck Texas
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    3 Word Story

    between my legs
  12. N

    Who likes to take naps?

    If I nap during the day.. I like to just chill and not do anything the rest of that day.
  13. N

    who gets seeds sent to the place the grow

    Well you send them to your house man.. Or you will need to break the golden rule. Telling someone to accept your sketchy package. Well unless you are distributing your product all over the southwest. The DEA might wonder about those seeds..
  14. N

    Email Seed Bank Bust

    LOL.... have you ever heard of the NSA man. They can read your texts, listen to your phone calls.. They have a giant database with all that info. White houseis trying to get them to get rid of it thats gonna happen. But honestly if you are scared to have seeds or lights for that...
  15. N

    Bulk Seeds- any good?

    Are you looking for yield? Auto AK can give up 2-3 o's dried
  16. N

    Looking for all Pro Grow 260 Experience

    You should provide more info on the grow space and how many plants.
  17. N

    Just got 60 Day Lemon genetics..

    I am following man, can't wait to see how she turns out.
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    NASA predicts irreversible collapse of civilization

    All it takes is one nuke! Then every one else is shooting off...
  19. N

    Never give up - First growers struggle

    More like stealth level 2...check out those light leaks
  20. N

    KushCaptin's Organic 400Watt 3'x2'x5' Stealth Indoor Scrog Tent Grow

    Hey man, I have this exact same tent. I set it up but haven't started yet still doing some research. I noticed that the top support bars are a bit flimsy and read somewhere that someones lights fell onto their plants. So they suggested using bungee cords.. Excited to see how it turns out! :peace: