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  1. F

    New seeds dieing

    how do you upload pics on here. Rm size is 7' by 6' and stays aroun 70 degrees all the time. They were doing well then all of a sudden they went to heck..
  2. F

    New seeds dieing

    ok thanks alot
  3. F

    New seeds dieing

    How do you upload pics, sorry new to this form. Im using seed starter mix and the temp in the house is around 70 degrees .
  4. F

    New seeds dieing

    I'm new to this. I have two seeds come up and within a week or so they get up to, 2 to 4 inches and them they just topple over and die. What do I need to do??
  5. F

    11 day old plant problem

    I have new seeds that have come up. They get about 2 to 4 inches tall, and then they just fall over and die at the tops. Help me please..