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  1. oregoncoast

    Help!!! How do I stop my buds from molding!

    I worked so hard to get so close to the perfect time and decided to just go ahead and take them all.
  2. oregoncoast

    Help!!! How do I stop my buds from molding!

    I've been growing my plans plants outside near the Oregon coast it is harvest time and there is mold. Can anything be done? Or saved?
  3. oregoncoast

    Is this leftover residue or powdery mildew??? Pics included.

    Ok, so I'm not sure if this is powdery mildew because I have been spraying my plants with a diluted milk solution and the Garden Safe Fungicide3 (been spraying at 1/2 the dose). So my question to all you wise folks is.... Is this powdery mildew or leftover residue from spraying the above...
  4. oregoncoast

    Is this the death of my plant???

    They are all outside. I will make sure the healthy ones are tended to first then that one last. Thank you :)
  5. oregoncoast

    Is this the death of my plant???

    This first picture shows the at the first day the stem rot was discovered (3 days ago) and the second picture is it today, after 2 days of Garden Safe fungicide treatment as mentioned above, and NO water... Not much change, time for quarantine I guess.
  6. oregoncoast

    Is this the death of my plant???

    No they are not the same strains, only this plant was grown from a seed I found in some medicine (I think Hindu Shark), the rest are clones of a different strains. But if need be I can move it away from the others.
  7. oregoncoast

    Is this the death of my plant???

    First of all I ain't a dude... I'm a chick.... and if the plant survives and produces I will name it Labrador Retriever!!!
  8. oregoncoast

    Is this the death of my plant???

    Is this something that will spread to my other plants outside?
  9. oregoncoast

    Is this the death of my plant???

    So glad I could provide you comic relief.....
  10. oregoncoast

    Is this the death of my plant???

    The plant is outside (near the Oregon coast...) and is too big to put inside :wall: I have some fungicide 3 (fungicide, insecticide and miticide) will this help?? Or should I just try and force it into flowering?
  11. oregoncoast

    Is this the death of my plant???

    The black stuff is what I'm concerned about.... Any ideas on what it is? How to treat it? How to prevent?
  12. oregoncoast

    Is this the death of my plant???

    Newbie here.... Just discovered this on my plant this evening and don't know what's happening.... Is my plant going to die??? It's planted in a 15 gal pot using FF soil, feeding it grow big. What can I do the help/save her??
  13. oregoncoast

    Blue Dream has the blues again....

    My blue dream is starting to show signs of some form of deficiency or sun burn (if that's possible). Sporadic lower leaf tip yellowing and tips curling downward, with some wilting of older leaves, upper portion of the plant is unaffected. Cool nights and direct sun in the day. Just fed composted...
  14. oregoncoast

    Do you think my plant is getting sun burned??

    No No supplemental feeding as of yet, I was told that there were plenty of nutrients in the FoxFarm soil to last a while.
  15. oregoncoast

    Do you think my plant is getting sun burned??

    So we moved this plant from indoors about 1.5 weeks ago and have been keeping it in the greenhouse. My husband believes that maybe its leaves may have touched one of the greenhouse walls but not sure. What is wrong with it. This is our first time growing, any help would be greatly appreciated...
  16. oregoncoast

    Help!! My Blue Dream has the Blues.... And I'm a newbie :)

    thank you for the insight I think I will wait a couple weeks after flushing and see if the new living environment improves things. Cant see any harm in that.
  17. oregoncoast

    Help!! My Blue Dream has the Blues.... And I'm a newbie :)

    We are using Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus 2-0-0, should I add some now on last root flushing??
  18. oregoncoast

    Help!! My Blue Dream has the Blues.... And I'm a newbie :)

    Thank you for your help and suggestions - much appreciated :)
  19. oregoncoast

    Help!! My Blue Dream has the Blues.... And I'm a newbie :)

    Should I flush the root system right now? I just fed it some more grow big after I transplanted it (2 tsp/gal).... :/. I'm guessing that would be a yes...