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  1. vally234

    Question about drying

    I wanna do some chronic over the summer but worried about the heat. Really don't want to spend money on air cooled lights. Grrrrr might just lose a light and use one
  2. vally234

    Question about drying

    Haha no I ask because bud that i would get on the street is never sticky and looks completely different. I was just wondering if it comes down to how it's dryed.
  3. vally234

    Question about drying

    Every time drying is done, the buds are really sticky. Is this normal? Or is it because of the way it's been dryed?
  4. vally234

    Warlock almost done. Let me know what you think

    2plants a week, wow. They must be done with in the week. Thanks for the info
  5. vally234

    Is it normal for buds to be fat as 2 thumbs 40 days of flowering?

    They look alright and they will still fatten up some more. Good job
  6. vally234

    Warlock almost done. Let me know what you think

    Ahhhhh man don't have a scope :/
  7. vally234

    Warlock almost done. Let me know what you think

    Warlock 3 days of 56 days into flowering. Been flushing for almost 2 weeks
  8. vally234

    quick question

    thanks, will make sure I ph for the next 2 weeks
  9. vally234

    quick question

  10. vally234

    quick question

  11. vally234

    quick question

    Here are some warlock 6 weeks 4 days into flowering. My timer didnt go on this morning so they got an extra hour od darknes, have I done damage with 2 weeks 2 go? Also I guess I should flush now with non phd water? You will be able to see in one of the pics that I have some nute burn, well I...
  12. vally234

    warlock by seriouse seeds

    Here are some warlock one day under 5 weeks into flowering. Used bcuzz for soil. Just tied a few of them up with string to support them. There under a 400 and a 600hps. what do you think? will they grow alot more? cant wait till there done.
  13. vally234

    warlock pics 3 weeks 6 days into flowering

    4 weeks 4 days into flowering. there looking chunky already.
  14. vally234

    warlock pics 3 weeks 6 days into flowering

    Only 4 weeks to go :bigjoint: what would you exspect interms of yield Or Iis it to hard to say? Are there strains that people are into/that are good or is it just kinda like what ever? If so what strains are good. a few cuttings of a few of these just before flowering. Its been 4 weeks and...
  15. vally234

    warlock pics 3 weeks 6 days into flowering

    4 weeks into flowering they was in 10l pots but got repotted into 15L pots at 3 weeks into flowering, they seem to be loving it. The leaves are always pointing towards the sky.
  16. vally234

    watering question

    I have been using bcuzz for soil. Yellowing in one plant only has got worse, im confused, this has never happened. Can you repot in flowering stage with out stressing them. Has anyone done this before?
  17. vally234

    watering question

    I also have never had a problem with salt build up of any kind or yellowing, this is the first time I have had a bit of yellowing leaves coming from the top,, this is also the first time I have used smaller pots so im thinkin its something to do with that. at the mo im not sure weather to feed...
  18. vally234

    watering question

    Heres some pics of warlock 16 days into flowering little bit of yellowing on top leaves
  19. vally234

    watering question

    Lol thanks guys