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    Ready to harvest?

    Here’s another shot that didn’t attach to original post
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    Ready to harvest?

    Hi gang, Newbie here with first MJ grow. Been a wild season here in Toronto. Tons of rain this summer, powdery mildew, plus had issues with bud rot and have since trimmed those off and I’m hoping I’m near the finish line. I read the best way to tell if it’s harvest time is by checking the...
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    Bud rot? Location Toronto

    This rain is relentless. Apparently 50mm expected until morning. Glad I decided to throw 2 of my plants in the shed to cover from rain. One had to be sacrificed outside. Last I went outside her branches were drooping down to the floor from all the rain :o
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    Bud rot? Location Toronto

    Checked the weather network just now… looks like 50-75mm of rain is on the menu over next few days:| I’m going to place them under a huge tree let’s see if that covers them enough from rain. Otherwise I have a shed I can put them in but not much light in there and I’m worried it will stress...
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    Bud rot? Location Toronto

    Not looking good guys. It’s been rainy for the past week here in Toronto, visited the ladies today and found this on one the plants. Is this Bud rot? I have clipped off this stem, I rubbed it a bit though I hope it didn’t send spores to other sites. I will be trimming excess leaves and...
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    Little (very tiny) hard shelled thing inside each individual calyx.. what are these?

    I have exactly this growing right now. Many calyxes are empty but a few feel hard with a green immature seed. What ended up happening with yours? Did you get seeds?
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    Need help with identification - female or hermie?

    Hello everyone, I am a regular gardener and this is my first attempt at growing marijuana. I currently have 3 female plants that I started outdoors during the spring solstice. My girls are well into flowering but I have a concern, it looks to me like my ladies are actually hermaphrodites. I...
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    Purple Underside Leaves And Stem On Tomato Seedling.

    when should nutes be added to cherry tomato seedlings? I don't want to jump the gun and end up with nute burn.
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    Purple Underside Leaves And Stem On Tomato Seedling.

    I am almost 2 weeks into growing my cherry tomato seedlings in hydro. In the pictures they're different sizes because some of them were planted between 5-10 days apart from one another. However, the oldest one which has the most leaves, seems to have its leaf tips curled upwards and the...