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  1. bsol

    how to grow mushrooms the easy way

    So my three jars are growing very well! One of the mushrooms has opened up, so I decided to pick it. Since the jar is stuffed with shrooms, I couldn't pick it from the base and just kind of ripped it loose. There is quite a large stub. Should I be worried about it rotting? Also, in a jar do you...
  2. bsol

    how to grow mushrooms the easy way

    So my second attempt is going very well! I put tin foil over the jars once the mycelium reaches the surface of the casing. I wasn't sure if I should wait until the myc covers the entire surface of the casing? Also, what is border breaking, and why is it bad? I hear that term a lot.
  3. bsol

    how to grow mushrooms the easy way

    Ok, so its now been 16 days since I first put the coir/verm on top. Three of the jars had some greenish growth on some rye grains, so I tossed those. For these three jars, the myc didn't climb at all into the dirt. For the three other jars, the myc has climbed up the dirt a bit (and from what I...
  4. bsol

    how to grow mushrooms the easy way

    Ok, so its been nine days since I added the dirt. On half of my six jars, the mycellium has reached up about 1/4" into the dirt. I've been spraying with water about once a day. The temperature is ~74˚F. I guess I should just wait it out? One thing is I might have no sterilized the verm/coir...
  5. bsol

    how to grow mushrooms the easy way

    Hi guys, My mycellium was growing very strong in all jars. When I added verm/coir the mycellium I had not shaken for a few days. After four days, the mycellium has not climbed climbed up the dirt at all. The mycellium is also getting weaker; its not as whispy as it used to be. I touched the...