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  1. I

    Mold or Trichomes?

    Until you said that I forgot to mention that sometimes while hitting it I would get a taste in my mouth very very similar to beer
  2. I

    Mold or Trichomes?

    Like I said, I think it may just be coincidence combined with paranoia. My brother has smoked just as much as I have and he's fine.
  3. I

    Mold or Trichomes?

    Here are some better pictures. It's sounds like it could just be coincidence that I've come down with this cold after getting this bud and that my paranoia is getting the best of me. Still going to the doctor though. I'm just not used to seeing a lot of clearly visible triches on bud of this...
  4. I

    Mold or Trichomes?

    I thought you meant something else by hair ball. Regardless of the quality, are you saying it's not safe to smoke?
  5. I

    Mold or Trichomes?

    What exactly do you mean by "hair ball"?
  6. I

    Mold or Trichomes?

    Lol yeah I wasn't even gonna try to pass it off as good bud. It just concerns me that I got this awful cough after smoking it
  7. I

    Mold or Trichomes?

    You think it's laced? Or just good?
  8. I

    Mold or Trichomes?

    Kinda late now lol. So I take it that it is indeed mold?
  9. I

    Mold or Trichomes?

    I'm scared it's mold. Took a lot less to get me up there than normal, the smell is a little off and I have a bad cough/cold now which I think may have been caused by the mold if that's what it is.
  10. I

    My First Grow

    Bad news! Sheriffs Department visited my place while I was gone and left a card for me to call. I disassembled my setup, destroyed my baby and all other grow-related "trash". Turns out it had nothing to do with me being in trouble or whatever. It was about someone wanting to take one of the...
  11. I

    My First Grow

    Update: Plant is 16 days from seed. Seems to be growing pretty fast. It also seems to be healthy, although I found a small hole on a few different leaves. I heard this could be from water droplets being on the leaf and magnifying the light? Planning to start feeding it MG tomato food in the next...
  12. I

    My First Grow

    So this is the new piece of growth I need to take off, right?
  13. I

    My First Grow

    I'll take some pictures in a little while because mine has grown past where you topped yours and I'm not exactly sure what all to cut off at this point lol
  14. I

    My First Grow

    When would be the best time to top it? ASAP or wait until it has grown some more?
  15. I

    My First Grow

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but to top it, wouldn't I just cut the top node off?
  16. I

    My First Grow

    I don't think so, unless I should?
  17. I

    2 weeks old. Indica or Sativa?

    Also, any idea why my bottom leaves have curled and my second oldest set looks like it's beginning to twist too?
  18. I

    2 weeks old. Indica or Sativa?

    It was some dank shit. Not top shelf quality by any means, but it wasn't any bud I would typically expect to find a seed. It didn't ever really hit me but the effects were more like a sativa. However, it looked as if it had been harvested late because all of the trichomes were amber. So idk if...
  19. I

    2 weeks old. Indica or Sativa?

    My first grow, and from bagseed. I'm thinking indica because the leaves seem quite "fat".
  20. I

    My First Grow

    I decided to wait a few more days, a week or maybe longer to switch to 12/12. I'll just see how fast it grows from now because I've read that it grows really fast after 2 weeks. I don't think it's worth a tiny yield to flower a week or two early.