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  1. poopshoot65

    1/7 plants sick...what's wrong?

    When you transplant those, if using ffof, make sure you get some dolomite lime to mix in with it. Had a serious cal mag problem on mine with ffof but they stabilized after a week or so. I'd say to toss in some extra perlite aswell
  2. poopshoot65

    Tiny at 3 weeks..

    If your going with the ffof also add in perlite and dolomite lime
  3. poopshoot65


    Just did the transplant myself yesterday and wasn't sure howuch to add for 5 gal buckets. Did pretty damn close to this haha
  4. poopshoot65


    Kind of a noob myself but it appears I ran into the same issue a couple days ago using ffof. The advice I was given was to pick up some dolomite lime and mix with soil when I transplant.
  5. poopshoot65

    Help is the a ca problem?

    Okay thanks guys just got some dolomite lime and planning on doing the transplant very soon. Much appreciated for the advice.
  6. poopshoot65

    Help is the a ca problem?

    And when I do this transplant to 5 gal pots, any suggestions on how much dolomite lime should I mix with the soil and perlite?
  7. poopshoot65

    Help is the a ca problem?

    Here are some pics. I'll go pick up some dolomite lime today and go for the transplant. I'm using a 400mh 20in from top of plants. Ventilation is good and temp stays around 76-84°F. Appears to be spreading now. Its been a couple days since I noticed it.
  8. poopshoot65

    Help is the a ca problem?

    Okay thanks guys I'll post some pics I little later and see if anyone has any other advice.
  9. poopshoot65

    Help is the a ca problem?

    I just started my second grow after my first grow failed after three weeks due to me using shit soil and not doing my research. This time around I'm using FFOF with an added 15% perlite mix. I'm roughly three weeks in and I seem to be getting this same issue on a couple of my older leaves. I...