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  1. Adam Gale

    Female, Male or Hermie??

    So the seed I bought couldn't have been feminized? Can't believe I've spent the last 2.5 months raising a male :(
  2. Adam Gale

    Female, Male or Hermie??

    Hey Guys So I'm 2 weeks into flowering with this Northern Lights plant. It's my first grow. The seed I bought was feminized so I always just assumed she would be a girl.... today I inspected her closely and I'm really concerned that she's not a girl. Could some of you more experienced...
  3. Adam Gale

    Nutrient advice needed

    Hey guys! Wondering if someone can help. I started my Northern Lights girl on quarter strength nutes when she was a month old. She's been growing like a star and I've been slowly adding the amount. I only use organic bio bizz grow. Lately I've noticed slight browning on lower leaf edges. It's...
  4. Adam Gale

    Seedling Problem - advice needed please!

    Thanks guys! I got home yesterday and it was dead:( agree with flower pharm though it probably would have always been weak. I think maybe I buried it too deep in the rockwool and it wasted all it's energy trying to push through. The other one is looking great though so I'll pull some clones...
  5. Adam Gale

    Seedling Problem - advice needed please!

    No, as soon as they sprouted I removed them from the dome. I also didn't give them any nutrients, just ph'd water.
  6. Adam Gale

    Seedling Problem - advice needed please!

    Hey guys I started my first indoor grow 12 days ago. I've set up a little grow room in my spare shower. I germinated 2 northern lights seeds in rockwool in a humidity dome. The first seedling popped through at 4 days but the second one only after 8 days. After a few days the roots of the...